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"Have you ever thought the next word could be animals?" Yuri asked. My eyes widened and I stopped the car. "That's perfect Yuri!" I turn the car around and speed in the direction of the old barn. I slowed down as we got near it cause I didn't want to bring attention to myself too much. Until I got in the barn at least. I stopped slowly and got out. I shut my door quietly and headed up to the barn

"He still isn't here hmm? Maybe I'll kill you earlier!" I heard the voice, so clearly...Y/E/N I somehow knew it was her. I exhaled and ran in. "Suki!" I run to her and hug her tightly. I break the hug and look at her "Are you Okay?" I ask. She nods. Her face, hands, and legs were covered in dirt, her clothes were very dirty and had rips, and holes in them.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO SOMEONE?!?!" I yell at Y/E/N "J-Jinyoung I-she...she attacked me!" She looked down. I cross my arms "Oh...I'm so sorry...YOU EXPECTED ME TO BELIEVE THAT!!" I yell again "Suki and I talked, She knew it wasn't at all what she thought it was. She knows you just want me so badly you'd try to chase her away" I say annoyedly "Suki isn't dumb...I know this, But you are. The more you reject your feelings for me, the more you lose your chance in taking her home"

"I'm not rejecting anything because they don't exist!" I say "Why can't you accept that I don't like you! Y/E/N...You are way to possessive, I don't want to have a relationship with anyone like you at all!" I argue. She looks at me "But-But you made it seem like you did..." She mumbles "I don't!" I turn back to Suki and lift her up "I'm leaving and you will leave us alone" I walk out, Suki clung onto me. Trembling. "I'm so sorry Suki" I Whisper "I-It's not your fault Jinyoung"

"It is! I shouldn't have believed that message and tried finding you first! I should have ran and tried to find you before we left. I don't know what I was thinking" I say "No! Don't say that Jinyoung I will kill you" She says. I laugh "Thank you! We'll put this behind us and you will put me down!" She says, I laugh and set her down "Now...Can we go home and talk about this? I really don't want to talk about it out here..."

I nod and grab her hand. I take her to my car where Mark and Yuri sat in the backseats. "SUKI!!" Yuri screamed "Hey hey! My ears still work calm down" Suki said chuckling "Are you Okay?" Mark asks her "Yeah, I just think I really need to sleep" She Laughs "I can understand that" I say "You were there for two days, Are you hungry?" I ask her "Kinda, But I think I can wait till after I sleep"

"Okay, I'll let you sleep for like half an hour then I'll make food and wake you when it's ready" I Smiled. She smiles also. "Thank you Jinyoung" She said "You deserve it Suki..." I mumbled starting the car. Suki, Yuri, And Mark were in a conversation while I just drove. I notice Suki look at me a couple times definitely concerned. They still talked and Yuri and Mark managed to make Suki laugh.

I smiled. "We're home" I say "Yuri's house?" Suki asked "Yeah! Yuri has more expensive beds so you'll be more comfortable"

*Suki POV*

"I have a gooood question" I say turning back to face the front "Yes?" Jinyoung asks me "Well, Used to you'd tease me and all, but you haven't been lately...What if I liked it? Why'd you suddenly change? It was fun teasing you back!" I whine Jinyoung chuckles "Well, It's cause I thought you didn't, but if you want that to change I can fix it tomorrow, for now you need to rest, and eat, If you want you can go back to sleep afterward but, if not...I'll call Jackson to let him know we found you and you're safe" he says "Then we can sit in the living room until you get tired"

"Okay" I shrug "Mark, Yuri, What are you Guys gonna do?" I ask them "Or is that a private question??" I add teasing them "No it's not a private question, and we'll probably sit and wait for Jinyoung to finish cooking so we can try it" Yuri says "Yeah, cause even in the time I've known him, I've never had his cooking" Mark Laughs

"That's cause you never came over to my house, We always went to yours, Or Jackson's house" Jinyoung says "Well, a new person means we get to try something new!" Yuri says laughing "Okay" I laugh at the two

{1 month later} [A day till Winter] (The last day of warmth)

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