Mission 45: A Game Of Loyalty

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Your POV

"B-but how!?"

"That's impossible."

"After all this time?"

Questions swirled around my head and out of people's mouths. We all stood watching anxiously as the gun hovered close to my temple.

"Travis? Put the gun down." I spoke softly.

To everyone else, his gaze was stern and unwavering. To me though I could see the uncertainty in his eyes.

"I can't do that (Y/n)." His hand was shaking.

"Why not?"

"I'm not loyal to the Divine. I'm loyal to the Shadow Knights."

"How? Travis all this time..."

"I was put at the Divine at a young age. I told you guys a fake story. My goal was to one day take down the successor (Y/n) Liao. As simple as that."

"You told them about our plan today? That's how the knew."

He nodded. I didn't know what to do. Luckily I didn't have to make that decision. The clicking sound of the safety being turned off another gun was heard.

I turned slightly to see Laurance beside me with a gun pointed to Travis's head.

"I knew from the first time I saw you I hated you."

"Tch. The feelings mutual." They stared each other down. If looks could kill this fight would have been over instantly.

"Travis put the gun down." It was Aaron. "Will make you guys a deal. Will let guys go if you meet us at Knight Bridge. What do you say, guys, one final fight?"

"Yeah on your turf no way." Venom dripped from each word Katelyn muttered.

"You don't care about your fearless leader?"

"You don't care about Travis?" Garroth cocked an eyebrow.

"His head for Liao's head isn't even a question."

"You bastard!" Dante and Katelyn held Garroth back.

"Then why let us go? If (Y/n)'s head is all you want?" Zoey asked.

"Her head is nice. All of your heads is fantastic."

"You have yourself a deal, Aaron."

Before the guns dropped. "Oh, also I want Vylad back."

He gave me a wicked grin. At that Travis dropped his gun. Laurance was hesitant. I gently placed my hand on his arm and lowered it.

I could feel Travis glare at us. This wasn't him. I know Travis. Or do I?

Aphmau led me out of the basement and outside in my stunned state. I was lost in my mind. I didn't even notice that we had reached home and I was placed on the couch.

The whole thing terrified me honestly. The fact that the Shadow Knights had this going for years. The fact that it was Travis.

"You okay?" I stopped fiddling with my fingers to see Laurance."

"Yeah. It's just hard." I laughed awkwardly. He took a seat on the couch beside me.

"Talk to me."

"It's just hard to be blindsided. Especially by someone who you trusted so much for so long."  I let out a large sigh.

He wrapped his arm around me pulling me into his side. I rested my head on his hard chest.

"Yeah, I can see that." My body moved along with his chest as he laughed.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. His scent calmed me down and let me think. My mind obviously wandered to him.

I've learned so much about Laurance over the time we've been together. His past. His fighting style. What he likes to do in his free time. What food he likes. The number of meals I've cooked for him jeez.

What are you thinking about?" I moved my head so I could look him in the eyes.

"You." I laugh.

"Yeah me too. All the time actually. Before I fall asleep I think of you. When I wake up I want to see you. During the day I want to be with you."

"You're the only thing that seems right at the moment."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a bit until he spoke.


"Yes, Laurance?"

"I think I'm falling in love with you." I couldn't help but mirror the smile plastered on his face.

"I'm falling in love with you too Laurance."

He kissed me patiently. My stomached swirled and there was nothing else but him. His smell, his taste, his feel.

"Uhm is this a bad time?"

We both resistantly pulled away to see Garroth. He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and blushed cheekily.

"It's fine. What's up Gar-Gar?"

He rolled his eyes at his nickname. "We were all wondering what the plan is?"

"Tell everyone to meet in the dining hall."

He nodded and walked off to call everyone over the speaker system.

"You have a plan?" I stood up and started to make my way to the hall.

"I do and you're apart of it." Laurance followed close behind me. "You are a Divine after all."

I didn't need to look behind me to know that he was smiling like a fool.

Everyone made their way to the dining room table and took a seat.

"Looks like the whole thing about the Cali Thirteen took a weird turn." Garroth started.

"A good chunk of it was right." Dante shrugged.

It was weird sitting with everyone but Travis wasn't here. It feels like we've lost yet another member of our family.

"So whats the plan (Y/n)?" Katelyn asked impatiently tapping her foot.

"We're going to go. I'm going to need a couple things first though. Aphmau do you think you can break into the surveillance cameras around the bridge?"

"It will take some time but I can do that."

"Zoey I need you to fo talk to Vylad. Try and gently push him to side with us. I need you to let him go as well."

"I can do that. Do you think that's wise though to let him go?"

"I'm hoping that it will backfire on Aaron and he'll end up on our side instead."

"Dante I need you to give Clyde a call and inform him of everything going on."

"Sure no problem."

"Everyone else get supply's and gear ready."

"(Y/n) how are you going to fight Travis? I mean his just as strong as you and you have a history-"

I cut Garroth off. "I'm going to fight this one like I've never fought before. Don't worry."

With that everyone nodded. "You're all dismissed."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Hey guys! Super sorry for the late update things are really busy for me at the moment. A lot of traveling going on. AI hope it was worth the wait though!! Get pumped for an action filled chapter!
P.A Smexy pic of Travis and Laurance at the top!!
Till next time Selena~ Chan out!

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