1 | treated like princesses

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
"I've never fallen from quite this
high, falling into your ocean eyes"
-Ocean Eyes, Billie Eilish
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

The aromatic scent of warm coffee beans waft my way as I close the glass café door behind me. I stomp any excess snow from my doc marten boots on the doormat before fully joining the line of people ready to order in the small bistro. I use my hands to straighten out the pleats in my favorite red skirt and the wrinkles in my black sweater as I wait. I think to myself, looking to the decor around me as I stand in silence. I come here relatively often, but I still enjoy taking in the warm and cozy decor in the low-lit café. I smile to myself, momentarily, as I always do and Indie music plays softly through the speakers of the place. I think this one's Billie Eilish, but I can't be sure. I find myself zoning out when the barista calls my name-what? I did say, I came here often.

"Your usual?" he smiles to me.

"Mhm." I hum, digging through my purse, already knowing the total.

"Four ninety-five."

Before I can even pull my wallet from its place from my light pink bag, a hand-a quite large one at that-reaches in front of me and places a ten on the stainless steal countertop. I nearly jump in place at the sudden movement. I turn to the owner of the large hand to be met by a very tall man in a leather jacket. His eyes were of oceans and sandy blond curls lay perfectly on his head and matching sandy stubble speckles his cheeks.

"For the girl's order" He shrugs, "Make it a double." He smiles to the barista and then down to me. He has an accent, but I cannot fathom where it may be from.

I pay no attention to what the barista is saying or doing, rather, I find myself drowning in his ocean eyes.

"You didn't-I could've-" My tongue forgets how to form words and my thoughts come out as incoherent sounds as I stumble over myself in front of the gorgeous giant.

"My treat. Pretty girls like you deserve to be treated like princesses." His supple pink lips move to a smirk as I stand below him, blushing.

I hear a mumbling of words around me, but everything is so loud, soon, I see the tall man nod his head towards the counter behind me and I follow his ocean eyes with my own to where our drinks and biscottis lay ready. We each grab them and he follows me to a small booth in the back of the shop.

"Mind if I sit?" The man toothily grins to me. 

"I surly wouldn't mind, mystery man." I smile to the beautiful blond giant as he scoots onto the vinyl bench seat across from me.

"Luke Hemmings" he chuckles, sliding his leather jacket from his shoulders and tossing it on the seat beside him.

"I'm Violet." I smile in return, breaking my biscotti in half before dipping it in the contents of my mug.

"What is this anyways?" Luke motions to the porcelain teacup and saucer in front of him.

"A macchiato with an extra shot of espresso and a biscotti." I say with a bite of my foam-covered biscotti. Luke hums in response. Our table falls into a deep silence. I watch the man in front of me look around the coffee shop. He surely sees me, but let's me do it anyway. The silence is nice, but either way, I break it. I set my mug down from a sip before speaking.

"You didn't have to pay for my stuff, I really feel bad." I draw my lips into a slight frown at the man.

He lets out a loud sigh before replying, his lips still formed into a smirk. "It was nothing, princess." Princess. That name, he could call me it anytime he wants. My insides do a flop and my heart rate accelerates, yet I show nothing but a blush.

"There must be something I can do." I only notice how suggestive that line was after I uttered it and it was too late to take it back. Instead, I keep my eyes on him and watch as he raises his eyebrows at this.

"You could start by giving me your number." I hand him my phone in defeat, as I could never argue with giving such an attractive man my number, not minding his hitting on me one bit. He hands the phone back on a new message screen. I look down to see that he put his name in as 'daddy' and then look back up to a smug look on his face. He's also sent himself a message through it, being a little heart. I scoff at the phone screen and he knows exactly why.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

After a few hours in the coffee shop with a gorgeous man, I decide that I must go. This was meant to be a half-an-hour detour tops, not a two hour stop, not that I have anything to do, though. He follows my actions as I put my coat back on. I grab my purse and sling it on my shoulder. He slicks his hair back with his very large fingers before biting his tongue in a smile to me.

We make our way to the front of the shop and out the door. Snow sprinkles down around us as we finish with our goodbyes.

"It was nice meeting you, princess."

"Violet," I hold my index finger up in correcting him. "Same to you, Luke Hemmings." He chuckes in response.

"I'd much prefer you calling me 'Luke', or as I presume you'll be calling me, 'daddy'." Butterflies, all of them are flying in a cacophony in my stomach.

"I don't think so." I play it off and scoff to the handsome man.

"Oh really?" His look is smug and condescending and he lets out a single laugh and we stand in silence for a moment, "I give it a week." He crosses his arms and stands his ground.

"A week for what?" I laugh, furrowing my eyebrows a bit.

"Until you call me daddy." He says it so casually and shrugs when he's finished. I shake my head at the man who I see now is completely serious about this 'daddy' thing.

"You're on, Mister Luke Hemmings." I extend my hand to the man. He hums in thought. 'This could be fun', I think to myself.

"It's only fair that we spend more time with one another then." He shrugs before extending his hand as well. I agree, taking his hand in mine and shake it as I do, I lose myself in his eyes. His ocean eyes.

But he pulls me from my trance. "Be ready by 7 tonight. I'll text you." He begins to walk away, in the opposite direction.

He turns back to me, spinning on his heels. "Oh, and wear something nice, princess." The man turns back around, wearing a smile on his lips. I watch as the tall man named Luke walked away  until he faded away into the snowy landscape. And despite freezing, I stood in the same spot in front of the coffee shop where it all began in awe, unable to move, thinking about the events that unfolded today with a mysterious and gorgeous man that wants me to call him daddy.

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