5 | Daddy didn't like that

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
"I'm losing to you, baby I'm no match"
Nicotine, Panic! at the Disco
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

Luke keeps my hand in his, near his lips as he drives, it's really cute actually. I'd find it cuter if I weren't so nervous about where we were going and what exactly Luke has in mind. Especially since he was so worked up earlier, it's hard to say, really.

Roughly fifteen minutes later, Luke's pulling the car into a semi-circle in front of a large mansion, complete with a water fountain in front.

"Um, Luke?"

"Yeah?" He's taking off his seatbelt and turning to me.

"Where are we?" I'm looking around the best I can from our spot in the car.

"My place, now will you just come here-"

"Luke? This is your house? What even do you do? This place is huge!" All he does is laugh in response.

"Yes, babygirl, this place is mine." He seems to give up and gets out of the car, coming to my side and pulling me out as well.

"I'll show you around if you're a good girl." He winks at me so I smack his shoulder.

"I'll show you good, mister."

"Oh, really?" His eyes of blue have turned to a colorless and glossy black. He looks at me with a devilish grin.

"Yes, really." I mock, placing my hands on my hips. Soon, I'm being scooped from my feet and rushed towards the front door of the house. "Luke!"

"Yes, babygirl?" He turns his head to the side and gives me a small smirk as he huffs out hot air.

"Put me down!"

"What was that? Who are you taking to? You'll need to say my name, babygirl." Luke acts tough and cocky.

"Okay, can you put me down, Luke?"

"Not my name." Trying to get the keys into the door one handed now.

"You know that this would be much easier if you weren't holding me, right, Lucas?"

"Not Luke or Lucas, but good try princess." He successfully gets the door open and shuts it with one hand. He stands there for a moment before letting me to the floor, my back to the closed door behind me. I try to take in the beauty that is Luke's house, it his beauty blocks my way. His eyes are filled with a look I haven't seen before.

"Daddy didn't like that." He finally grumbles.

"Like what, Luke?" I ask, completely puzzled, taking a step back.

"The way he was looking at you." He follows suit and steps forward as well. He seems taller. Is he taller? "He's supposed to be my best friend and business partner and he fucking kisses you."

"My hand." I try to make the situation better.

"Not okay, princess." I take another step back until my back hits the surface of the grand entry door. Luke only inches closer, which I can't tell if it's extremely attractive or alarming. His hands move to my jawline, never actually fully connecting to the skin, I don't think. They just hover there for a moment, creating a frame around my face. "You're mine and only mine, babygirl, and only I can kiss you." He suavely places his lips to mine, letting his thumbs run along my jawline as well. His lips feel so soft and fitting against mine. I take a bit in my teeth and tug, eliciting a moan from him in response but he only pulls away. He starts to place kisses along my jaw and more down my neck. They become more sporadic and open-mouthed. "They need to know you're mine." He says between kisses. His hands travel down my body, fingers tracing the warm skin of my shoulders and down my arms. They finally find their place at the base of my hips, gripping the fabric of my dress firmly there. His lips eventually move their way back to mine just as I feel his hand slide up my body and to my jaw where it will lightly lay. Luke pulls himself away from me, and I find myself leaning into his hand that still lay at my jaw. He's clever. He knows exactly what he's doing and he's good at it. He has a smug look on his face like he's proud of himself, looking at what he's done.

I don't know what it is, but I'm putty in his hands.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

We made our way into his kitchen, eventually. And he pours us glasses of white wine. He lifts me up and plops me onto the white, marble countertop. And we just enjoy each other and sip our wine.

"Luke," I extend my arms and pout a bit. He just smiles at me and chuckles before coming closer. "Darling." I exaggerate, combing my fingers through Luke's hair. He only growls in response for this. I wrap my legs around his torso to keep him close and myself in what little control I have. I peck a few kisses along his jaw, returning the favor from earlier. "You're cute." I hum against his warm skin.

"I'm what?" Luke pulls himself from my legs' grasp on his torso. He places his lips to my ear before leaving for more wine, I'm assuming. "Oh, babygirl, I'm not cute." Luke steps back from me and that's all he says. And that small moment is gone. That window of power has ceased and I am putty in his hands again. He knows it, too.

The man returns with an olive-colored bottle in hand. He uncorks the bottle and pours himself another glass and tops mine off as well.

"To us." He says, raising his glass once more.

"To us," I repeat, smiling to him. "Now, since I've been good, how about a house tour?"

"Who said you've been good?" He takes his lip in his teeth. I can't name anything hotter in the moment.

"I did," I hop off of the counter too, suddenly losing most of my confidence due to the great decrease in height. "Now where to first?"

"The question is," he grabs my wrists with a single hand. "Where do you want to end up?"

"You tell me."

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