3 | it'll be 'daddy' soon

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
Honey come put your lips on mine
and shut me up, we could blame
it all in human nature
—Talk Too Much, COIN
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

Luke drives me home, the drive in almost complete silence. His hand was on my thigh again, his fingers traveling along over the exposed skin there. This time, I don't flinch or move away from the touch. I like it and I let his hand rest there. The ride back seemed a lot shorter than the ride there for some reason, too. I felt like I knew him a lot more now, which is silly because I don't know much. I just got a feel for what he was really like, I guess. He's sweet and charismatic and has a way to him that I can't really put my finger on to explain. That probably makes no sense though.

Soon enough, he pulled up to my apartment complex and parked. The same as usual for having to help me out of the car, but again, I didn't mind. His hand lay on my lower back, clutching onto my waist as he walked me to my door. Upon arrival, he stopped in his tracks and placed either hand to my cheeks. His large fingers encased nearly my entire head. He tilted my chin up so that we were looking at one another in the eyes.

"I had a good time, babygirl." Luke whispered as he rested his forehead against mine.

"Mhm" Even with a simple hum, my voice was shaky and my breathing was unsteady. I've never wanted to kiss someone so bad in my life. "I don't want you to go, Luke." I frown as I speak this time.

He chuckles and shakes his head at me. "I don't want to leave, either, babygirl." He sounds defeated.

"Then don't." My voice is growing more and more shaky in anticipation and it's full of cracks. It's more of a pout than anything at this point. Luke smirks at this, making me even more frustrated. I shrug and try to play it off like I'm not absolutely dying inside. I do this by turning and unlocking my door, pulling the keys out and placing them back in my bag. I turn back to him. "What?" I ask to his staring.

"Nothing, princess, you're just so beautiful." He runs a few fingers through my long brown hair, sending chills down my spine.

"I don't think—"

"You are fucking beautiful, princess, don't lie." His tone is harsh, yet he still manages to give a compliment. I'm still taken aback by the harshness of it all. And he frowns. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gotten that way with you."

"Luke." I manage to get out, my throat is drier than any desert that mankind has ever known.

"Yes princess?" his eyebrows are furrowed.

"Luke—" I shake out once again, letting my eyes focus between his lips and his eyes.

"Does princess want something from daddy?" He fucking knows what he's doing to me. I try to kiss him myself, but he refuses to cooperate before I answer and the man is a human giraffe.

"Can you just kiss me now?" His lips move into a smirk and he encases my face with his large hands.

"I thought you'd never ask, babygirl." He lets out a fragment of a chuckle and I think to myself how that is light. His chuckle, it is sunshine, but I don't care about that right now. What I care about is his lips on mine. The softness and the warmth of his lips against mine feel so right and they move so slowly and effortlessly in time. His tongue grazes against mine for what seems like only millisecond in reality before we drift away from one another.

"I'll see you tomorrow, babygirl." Luke's voice was barely a whisper, merely inches from my face still. He stands himself straight moments later and walks down the hall, further away from me.

Once Luke is out of sight and my mind is working straight again, I open the door to my apartment and head to my room, beginning to peel off my dress on my way. I slip into a much more comfortable tee shirt instead, returning only to the kitchen and only for something to snack on. I settle on some yogurt and plop onto my sofa, switching on 'The Office' when I feel my phone buzz.

daddy | 10:47pm
Hey babygirl, I had fun tonight :)

Me | 10:48pm
i did too, Luke, it was a lot of fun

daddy | 10:50pm
'Luke' haha ok ... it'll be 'daddy' soon

Me | 10:51pm
oh, you didn't get the memo? that you're gonna lose? i don't think i know you by anything other than Luke.

daddy | 10:58pm
Don't make me come back over there, babygirl.

Me | 10:59pm
you wouldn't :) but you do still have six days to change my mind ;)

daddy | 11:02
Are you telling me that I need to step up my game, princess?

Me | 11:04pm
sure, if you don't want to lose?

daddy | 11:05pm
I'm picking you up tomorrow at 6

Me | 11:06pm
okay? attire? more info?

Luke wouldn't tell me much more after that other than one worded spurts of information. Mystery wont help him win, I shrug off what just happened and continue to watch "The Office", even if I just missed an entire episode from texting Luke. It really doesn't make a difference though seeing as I've seen every episode hundreds of times. With a few more episodes, I call it a night and get ready for bed. I brush my teeth and push my hair into a low ponytail and wash my face before tucking myself under the covers of my bed. I snuggle up to my pillow and manage to fall asleep, but not before thinking about the man with the blond, curly hair and ocean eyes.

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