4 | Show you off

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
"When we talk, you say it softly,
but I love it when you're awfully
— Come Out and Play, Billie Eilish
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

Luke messaged me that he'd be early so now I'm frantically tearing through my wardrobe like a madwoman. I settle on a red slip dress and a peeky white bralette—with matching undies—for the night, still almost entirely clueless as to what exactly is happening. I manage to slip one of my feet into a heel before I hear Luke knock at the door to my apartment. He has terrible timing, really, but he hates when I make him wait so I grab the other heel and hop to the front door to greet him.

"Hi" I manage, out of breath, still tightening the strap of my heel around my ankle.

"Hello my darling." Luke turns to me from looking away somewhere. He seems breathless, to say the least, when presented my attire. "You look beautiful, as always." He lets himself overpower me, taking a couple of steps foreword and into me. Even with my high heels on, Luke still towers over me. His fingers gracefully dance over my skin and he brushes a strand of hair from the side of my face with one hand while the other rests on the small of my back. I'm hooked on him, on this. He places his lips on mine and lets them linger there for a few moments, not much more, but certainly nothing less, before he moves his presence away. He keeps his eyes on mine and his smile tugged to one side.

"Hey Luke?" I chuckle softly, scared to break this moment as if it is a tangible thing in time.

"Not my name, princess." He chortles in response.

"It is, but that's not the point, I also need to finish getting ready if we're going to leave for whatever fancy rendezvous you have planned for tonight on time." He rolls his eyes lightly at this statement.

"Maybe it is, but we'll settle this argument later, sweetheart. Now go." He shoos me away to my own room and takes a seat on my sofa. I take peeks between makeup routine steps to see what he's doing, but it's literally nothing. Luke is just sitting still on my couch like a weirdo, doing nothing.

By the time we leave, it's the time that Luke should have normally arrived and I still haven't been given any further details. Luke opens the passenger side door for me and hops himself into his drivers seat. I still can't explain how amazingly fond I am of the smell of the interior of his car. The smell of his cologne and faint cigarette fill my lungs and my heart flutters. He's started the car now and put it in drive. He drives with his left hand while his right lay nonchalantly on my thigh. His thumb rubs back and forth on my skin, calming any anxieties I've ever had in life, I tell you.

"So where are we going now?" I break the oh so short lived silence.


"Luke, sweetie, care to elaborate?" I say in a charming tone.

"Violet, don't call me 'sweetie'."

"Don't call me Violet." I cross my arms over my chest with this one.

"I knew you loved my names for you."

"See, I always tell myself that when I call you 'Luke'." I chuckle to myself at my own joke, knowing this will get to him.

We're at a red light now. "Is that right, babygirl?" Luke's grip on my thigh tightens and he turns to me. His eyes are just two black pupils, glossed over with lust or love or even hate for all I know. All I can do is stutter. No words can form in my mouth right now. He has me where he wants me, Luke putty between his long, calloused fingers. "Straighten up, princess, you'll be meeting my business partners soon."

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