6 | Angel

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
You're the thing I can't quit
—Vapor, 5sos
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

Luke took me around his giant house, showing me around, as promised. He walked my slightly more than buzzed self around the house and we eventually made it outside, even though I'd secretly hoped to end up in the bedroom. Perhaps not because he's him and I'm drunk, but because I'm drunk and I'm tired. Nevertheless, I kept up with my shenanigans and annoying him. I can tell he likes it though, he's just quick to reprimand me.

"W-What.. are you doing?" Luke asks me as I tug my dress off before him. The night air wraps around me in a chilly embrace. New York is like that, cold and brisk . I'm left in just my undergarments and whatever jewelry I had on tonight.

"This is where I want to end up." I say and drop into the steamy, heated cold pool. "You coming, hot stuff?"

"That, my dear, isn't my name either. You're bad at this." Luke huffs, nearly out of breath—for once as he unbuttons his top.

"Or, extremely good at this. I'm still ready to win the bet, or deal, or whatever we made and I still have some time." I swim around in the pool a bit in hopes of warming up a bit.

"Well, I can be better, because no one's winning daddy's deal except daddy."

"We'll see." I say as he nearly cannonballs in. I pout and he looks rather proud of himself after he comes back up above the water level. His curls are now flat against his head and lay in every-which way. He looks cute but also hot at the same time, and I don't know how it's possible, but he makes it so.

It's also dark. The world is dark around us, and it's nearly midnight. The pool is illuminated only by the light from within its waters and a few outdoor lights scattered around the lawn area. The low light gave Luke the perfect peachy glow, while his eyes stayed a dark blue shade, still. Of course, filled with lust, nonetheless.

He moves closer to me and I do the same. His hands find their way to my hip and one to my cheek.

"What now, princess?" Luke smirks as he asks the rather simple question.

"How about.." I pause, returning the mischievous smirk to the six foot man. "..this!" I swing my arm around in the water and splash the man.

"Oh no you didn't." He tries his hardest to loom over me and be angry, but he lets a small smile slip through the facade.

"Ahh!" I screech and strive to be away from his reach. I managed a few strides before he caught up to me and grabbed my wrists in his hold. He turns me around so I'm facing him once again. I find myself backing up, and him walking with me. His lips graze against mine for a moment. Then another. I grimace when my back harshly hits the concrete edge of the pool, but don't mind at all. I'm entranced by this man. His calloused fingers dance along my gleamingly wet and warm skin of my exposed body as we continue to kiss. His touch is light and intimate. It sparks something inside me that I can't explain. A desire. A want. I crave Luke Hemmings.

But am I ready to lose?

That's the question.

... then again, I could always just toy with him.

The latter of the two sounds like the better choice to me—how well it will actually play out in my favor? That's a different story.

I think that I want to move my hands, but Luke still has them in his tight grasp. I try to wriggle them free, but Luke just chuckles and continues his hold.

"Oh no," he smirks to me. "You've been bad, babygirl." His lips whisper these words coldly against my ear. He shifts his grasp so that both of my wrists are perfectly entrapped by one of his hands. His other moves to my jaw and softly slides across the skin there. Chills run down my spine. With this movement, he lets his lips reconnect with mine, moving agonizingly slow. His calloused fingers trickle down my neck—and the marks that he painted on me earlier—and to my collarbone and shoulder and side, under the water's surface. I almost squirm at this. It's torturous. And I thought that I would be toying with him. I let out an audible whimper at this point I feel him smile against my lips. And with that, his free hand moves to my bum now. I let a gasp out with his actions, making it perfect grounds for Luke to deepen our kiss. He slides his tongue past my parted lips and I can feel us almost melt together. He loosens his grip on my wrists until it's gone and moves that hand to my cheek. I allow my hands to settle around his neck, tussling his damp hair. He lifts me up around his waist now and I feel us ascend from the water's depths.

We're in his house now, Luke stumbles up his staircase until we're in his room. My back slams abruptly against what I can only assume is Luke's wall, but there's no time for assuming right now and I frankly do not give a damn. He lets me down from his waist so that I'm standing again. The height difference is impeccable, but nonetheless, I walk us around so I'm stepping backwards towards his bed.

We end up only making out for a while until Luke pushed me off of him. I'm left propped over him—out of breath, and so is he. But he utters:

"You know—in this moonlight", he huffs, caressing my cheek. "You look just like an angel in disguise." He probably can't see it, but I'm blushing right now. "My angel."

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