8 | Entertaining

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┌─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┐
Every night I almost call you
Just to say it always will be you
Wherever you are
-Wherever You Are, 5SOS
└─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───┘

"Hey" a soft, soft voice wakes me from above. I blink my eyes open to see Luke's blue eyes shimmering down to mine.

"Hey?" I stir, sitting up beneath him.

"No, no, stay there, I'll be back, okay. I'll be back."

"What're you saying, Luke?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I got a call this morning that I have to fly away to San Francisco to our headquarters for a big meeting. I'll be back before you know it, you can even stay here." I'd stayed the night at his place the night before, something like this not even being a thought in my mind. So here I am, in his bed, under his covers with him all dressed in a suit and tie, leaning over me, telling me that he's leaving. It's all so sudden and I can't even react before he leaves a kiss to my forehead and begins to walk away.

"Well, I'll come with you—to the airport that is. I'll get dressed and I'll come with you right now—" I begin to shoot up in place and follow the very sort giant.

"No!" He's quick to rebut.


"Because if I saw you at those plane doors—even though I'm just leaving for a week, at most, I wouldn't want to leave. I'd want to stay right here, beside you." Luke quickly turns around on his heels again, preparing to leave. "So just stay here, and know that I'll be back soon."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Even though I've only known Luke for three days, and for those three days, we've had a bizarre 'deal', I've felt like I've got to know him fairly well. I feel like I have known him forever. And with him now gone, flying to San Francisco, I feel like something's missing, a piece of me is gone, shipped off to another world. Or maybe I'm just overreacting. Nonetheless, this morning was a lot to handle and I need one hell of a cup of coffee to wake myself up. And that's just what I do. I get somewhat ready and grab my keys and head off to a local coffee shop. I get my usual macchiato and decide on getting a biscotti that was calling my name, but also because it reminded me of Luke, weirdly, since that's what I got the day we met. I opted to 'eat in' on the patio and watch the world go by, consumed by my thoughts as I consumed the biscotti and hot macchiato. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the buzz of my phone. I jump to see what it is, hoping that it's Luke. It is, but I just forgot that my contact was set to what it was.l, thanks to him.

daddy | 11:23am
1 image
This view reminded me of you, babygirl <3

I furrow my eyebrows and smile at his message.

Me | 11:25am
why? it's the sky

daddy | 11:27am
Because it was breathtaking.

I'm now smiling like an idiot at my phone in public, butterflies erupting in my stomach.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I get back to Luke's house a couple of hours later, not wanting to do much else for the day. I poop down onto his huge leather sofa and think about calling him, my finger hovering over his name in my phone—still that as what he named himself that day in the cafè. I decide not to call him, eventually. Instead, I click on his stereo in an attempt to distract myself from him. Maybe staying here, as he suggested, wasn't as good of an idea as I thought. I flip through the songs until I found something somewhat appealing and gave up. I went to his kitchen and poured a glass of red wine and made a snack, all the while, I started dancing to Taylor Swift's new single as it blared through the speakers. I started jumping and bopping all around the house, and for a bit, I forgot that I missed him, weirdly.

Until, my phone lit up with his contact name.

"Luke!" I smiled into the receiver of my phone.

"You know you're cute?"

"Uh, thanks?" I laugh.

"Quite entertaining."

"What?" I look around the room I'm in for any trace of the tall blond boy.

"Usually when I do security checks of my house when I'm gone, I don't see a cute dancing girl on the monitor." He chuckles his deep raspy laugh.

"Oh my god, Luke!" I grab my face and start to hastily laugh.

"I miss you already, Violet."

"I miss you too, Luke." I bite my lip. "Are you all settled into the hotel?"

"I am, but I've never wanted to spend less time in one of these rooms."

"Well come back early, and you might have a surprise waiting for you."

"You know I can't, Violet, but I'll still take you up on that." I can hear people taking in the background now, like he's in a crowded restaurant or bar.

"I bet," I chuckle, taking another drink of my wine. "Where are you?"

"Getting a drink." I hear him mumble his order. Scotch neat.

"Well I'll leave you to that then. Bye Luke."

"Bye Violet."

I finish my wine and eat my dinner and try to act somewhat normal for the rest of the night, ending up in one of his shirts, still smelling of him, wrapped up like a burrito in the duvets covering his king-sized bed. I deeply inhale before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep with him on my mind.

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