Chapter 1

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Midoriya's pov

I sat on a rock looking at the water humming a song.As the omega of the pack i am treated wrong and it sucks.I used to have two friends but there parents wont let them speak to me.I usually wouldn't be treated like this but my dad left when i was 5 so now im treated like crap.

My mother is sending me with one of the other wolf children to a new pack called the UA.He has been my friend for a while.Well i call him friend he just thinks im stupid but i still like him.

My mother and his mother are very close so he has to be nice till we get to UA.I am waiting for him to catch up.Being an omega has its perks.We are faster than beta's and most Alpha's and we are the best hunters.We are also rare.

Im in my wolf form.Im a normal size for a wolf.I have grassy green eyes and my fur is a darker green then my eyes.Katsuki catches up finally.He has red eyes and golden fur.He is bigger than me by a few inches but since he is a beta we are both normal size.

Alpha's are bigger than us by at least two feet maybe three it depends on the alpha.He comes up to me out of breath and glares at me.My ears go flat and i look away.He drinks from the river and i roam around looking for a sent or anything that was not safe.

When it was all clear i turned to my human form.My hair was the same color as my fur and my eyes were more green.Kachan turned to his human form.Blonde hair and red eyes.He sat down.

"Why the hell are we stopping, " he asked.

" Because we have to rest up.Our destination is a days run from our old pack.We need to rest if we wanna get there quicker, "I said.I looked down at the fish watching closely.

" Hurry up and catch food, "He said almost spooking the fish.I told him to shut up and watched the fish.I reached my hand in really fast and pulled a fish out.My ears twitched when they got wet but i focused on the flopping fish in my hand.I waited till it stopped and then i gave it to kacchan.He took it and bite into it.I went back and caught another for myself.

I sat down looking at the fish while i ate the one i caught.All of the sudden i smelt something.It was a sweet smell.

I mumbled the word," Mate".I dropped my half eaten fish and turned into a wolf and followed the scent.I didn't run i just walked sniffing the ground following the scent Bakugou behind me so confused but he knew he couldn't lose me.

A wolf tackled me into the river that i had been following because the scent was near the river.I yelped when the cold water hit my fur.I wasn't afraid of the wolf who was on me though.He didn't scare me.He smelt good.He looked at me and i looked at him.

He was a huge wolf.Must be an alpha.He has multi colored eyes the left one is grey and the right one is blue.his right side was red and his left side was white.Kachan tackled him and snarled at him.The Alpha snarled back showing a set of sharp teeth.

I got up and for some reason i headbutted Kacchan off of the strange wolf.The wolf got up and Kacchan gave me a 'wtf was that for' look.I rolled my eyes and helped Kacchan up he was not refusing like he usually does maybe because the strange wolf was glaring at him.Bakugou turned human and so did i.

"Explain, "He looked straight at me.The wolf turned human.He had a scratch across his right eye that i didn't even notice.His hair was the same as his fur and his eyes were the same.

" Mate, "He said looking at me.A huge blush went across my face when he said that.

" You and him, "Kacchan said looking back and fourth at us.I nodded my head not taking my eyes off the man.

" What about our trip, "Kacchan said looking at me.I looked at him a shrugged.

" Where are you going, "he asked.

" None of.., "Kacchan started but i cut him off.

" The UA clan, "i said.

" Im actually heading there, "he said.

" Great im Midoriya Izuku and this jackass is Bakugou Katsuki, " i said smiling at the stranger.Kacchan growled at me but i shrugged it off but the stranger glared at him.

" Im Todoroki Shoto, "he said looking back at me with a soft expression.

" Lets go back to our camp to rest and tomorrow we can head out, " I said turning into my wolf form and running back to camp.Todoroki was soon right behind me and Bakugou was struggling to catch up.I slowed down but didn't stop.Bakugou caught up with me and Todoroki was already ahead probably smelling the fish i dropped.

I sat by the water and lapped some up before laying down.Todoroki laid down in front of me our noses touching.I blushed but i didn't move.I looked into his eyes which were already looking into mine.Bakugou sulked by the rock.

He lifted his head up and licked my nose then laid his head back down and closed his eyes.I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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