Unknown; 알 수 없는

461 14 2

I let out a long sigh and jumped backwards onto my bed, after replying to Hayeon, Haeli's  and Jieun's text spam, setting my phone down on its stand.


Damn don't they have anything else to do apart from text me all day?




The noise was really getting on my nerves. I  picked up my phone, only to see the texts were from an unknown number.


My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Who was this person?

My finger hovered above the block button, when another text appeared on the screen.

unknown: fuck it this is exactly why I don't bother texting you hyung

Usually I wasn't one to judge because of the way I spoke myself,  but using honorifics and language like that amused me.                                                                                           

me: you have the wrong number. please stop texting me . 

unknown: Jin hyung said this was your number, stop lying

jin hyung? who??  This person had definitely got the wrong number. 

           me: listen hun you've got the wrong number, this isn't your hyung


                                  me: I'VE ALREADY SAID, YOU HAVE THE WRONG NUMBER! I'M [Y/N]

I sent the last text before blocking the number and laying down on my bed, frustrated.


"Yoongi! Hyung!"

Yoongi lazily poked his head out from behind the door, sighing when seeing it was Jungkook.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook. What brings you here?"

"Stop playing around hyung. I needed to ask you something and you playing around instead of answering my texts is not helping!" grumbled Jungkook frustratedly.

"What are you talking about? I've been sleeping all da-"

"Stop playing dumb," Jungkook cut him off, but stopped when seeing the genuine confusion in Yoongi's eyes. 

"Hyung...the texts weren't you? You weren't pretending to be [Y/N" 

"[Y/N] who? What texts...no it wasn't me. Jungkook, what's going on?" Yoongi said.

Jungkook's hands met his face, annoyed with himself.


"It's only been a few days since I've been back in Busan and I'm already messing up..."



Hey there!
These chapters are getting even shorter omg I'll start making them longer when we get to the point
Anwayssss, recently the reads on this jumped from 5 to 14! Haha that probably sounded ridiculous but I really appreciate it and I'm really happy that some of you actually took time to read this crap :) I was originally planning to update once a week but due to the (slowly) increasing reads I will be updating more often, especially when my summer holidays start 💛
Again thankyou and hope you enjoy reading this book (will be updating later today) :)

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