Thinking Of You ; 너를 생각해

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"Of course I'll go to the ball with you."

It was a whole 2 hours ago yet it was the only thing on my mind.

I shook my head disbelievingly. I'm so stupid. He's not mine yet I feel myself breaking into a thousand pieces.

And the fact that Jimin and my friends were concerned made me feel worse. I didn't deserve them.

Right now I knew only thing would make me better. Visiting my parents.


"I'm so useless aren't I?" I sighed as I placed the roses on my parent's grave.

"But I'd said I'd make you proud. I have yet to do that. But I will."

"I pinkie promise."


All I could ever think about was how quick my life had changed in a few months, it was absolutely crazy. I tried avoiding thinking about him, but as soon as I did I felt the tears coming up to my eyes and an overwhelming urge to go home.

Even though I was home.

I quickly shoved the thought away with a shake of my head and ran towards the kitchen. Yerin was there, apparently making dinner. I hoisted myself on to the counter and watched her intently as she was too occupied with her phone to notice me there.

When she did, her cheeks were full of a pink color and quickly whipped around to concentrate on boiling the water to avoid me.

"Who was th-"

"H-How do you like the sound of noodles for today's dinner?" she quickly cut me off.

"Yerin~ stop trying to change the subject. Who were you talking to?" I smirked.

"U-uh m-maybe Y-Yoongi," she stuttered, still avoiding my gaze.

I grinned at her response "Ooh~ you do know that he asked me to ask you to go to the ball with him right~?"

Her reaction was priceless. The packet she had in her hands slowly slid onto the floor with a thud as she let out a surprised squeal as I held my stomach laughing at her.

"I didn't think you'd get that excited," I laughed.

"NO!" she blushed an even darker shade of pink, "I'm just surprised that's all." She then wiggled her eyebrows, a mischievous smile taking over her face. 

"What about you [Y/N]? Do you have a certain love interest?"

My smile suddenly turned into a sad one as I took in her words. After a few moments of silence passed and she turned around to look at me, wincing when realizing her words.

I bit my lip and let out a bitter laugh. "No."

"You look tired [Y/N]. I really wish I was staying longer so I could take care of you-"

"Yerin," I chuckled disbelievingly, "You need to start thinking abut yourself. You're already getting successful with your singing career and that's only the start."

She smiled gently before adding, "If you ever need to tell me anything I'm here. You are not alone."



To distract myself further I decided to use the time and study whilst blasting my music on full. All of a sudden there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I drawled lazily.

The door burst open and there stood a disgruntled Hayeon. 

"Okay first of all, lower your damn music!" she screamed as I chuckled and turned it off.

"What is it?"

"Good news or bad news first?" she sighed, laying down on my bed.

If I was being really honest with myself, I was confused as to why Hayeon was even here. Even though she was a friend and I obviously loved her a lot, she was probably the person I was least closest to. We were both quite similar and it was possibly our closed off personality that stopped us from talking often.

"Yo [Y/N], listen to what I'm saying before your lazy ass goes into shut down mode."

I threw her a disgruntled look before urging her to carry on. "Good news I guess?"

Her lips tugged up into a lazy smirk. "We're moving in."

"YOU WHAT?!" I screamed, backing away from her. "I THOUGHT I SAID GOOD NEWS FIRST?"

Hayeon chuckled at my surprise before pouting. "You're so mean."

I rolled my eyes before stopping. Gulp. Didn't she say something about bad news?

"Wait..Hayeon...what was the bad news?" I mumbled, suddenly growing quiet.

Her eyes visibly darkened and she suddenly turned her attention elsewhere.

"Jimin called me today."

"And?" I answered uncertainly.

She licked her lips nervously before gulping and then turning towards me.

"He said...Jeon's parents wanted to see you."

I suddenly grew silent.I knew Jimin and Jungkook's parents were both very close, just like mine had been before the terrible plane accident. Jungkook's parents had been like a second set of parents to me. After he left, I had cut off contact with them. Saying I was surprised they wanted to see me was an understatement. 

"[Y/N]," Hayeon whispered.

"I don't know what to do," I said quietly.

Within a flash I was suddenly engulfed in a hug. "C-can't b-breATHE" I squealed as Hayeon continued crushing my bones. When she finally pulled away she was smiling.

"I think you should go."



i'm feeling nice today so

i'm feeling nice today so

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