See You Later ; 나중에 봐

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"Just because you have a handsome face you don't think you're going to get your ass whooped when you play around with me? Well, loser, you're WRONG! JUST WATCH ME-"

"[Y/N], what are you doing?"

I jumped to a start and whipped around to see Hayeon standing by the fridge, an eyebrow raised.

Okay, I'll admit, I'd be weirded out too if I went downstairs at 4AM finding all the lights off and my best friend cursing out loud.

"U-um, contemplating life, you know?" I stuttered, smiling a bit too widely.

"Judging from how many swear words you used, I'm guessing your life isn't the best at the moment," Hayeon grinned cheekily as she plopped herself next to me.

"Too right. I'm going to kill Jeon," I groaned.

Hayeon stared right at me for about 10 seconds before whispering something under her breath.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yah. What did you say about knowing Hoseok when you were a kid?"

Her intense gaze was immediately placed anywhere but me. "Honestly I  don't even know why I came out with that shit in the first place. There's probably thousands of people with that name."

I smiled bitterly, knowing exactly what it was like having your best friend you hadn't see in years just pop back in to your life.

"So, I'm taking it you haven't seen each other for a while?"

"Yes," she replied slowly, raising her head so her caramel orbs met my own. "I don't know what happened to us I guess. I actually...heard he'd been transferred to the college but didn't want to believe he was the same person."

I squeezed her hand gently, feeling a pang of sympathy. "We just stopped talking, but honestly I never expected our friendship to last forever."

Right then and there, I knew deep down Hayeon was hurt. We both often hid our feelings but seeing here now I could tell what had happened years ago still hurted her. And I was determined to change that. So I would.

I smiled softly at her, earning one in response. "I'm here for you okay? Let's go to sleep."


I grumbled, spewing out curses a bit too loudly as Jimin chuckled, amused. Miss Choi clearly wasn't in a good mood today, as all she was doing the whole lesson was picking on me. The class eagerly packed their books away and flooded out of the room. Just as I was about to leave the room, a hand stopped me.

"Ah not so fast, Miss Kim," Miss Choi mocked as her eagle eyes swept across the room.

I furrowed my eyebrows, waiting for her explanation.

"[Y/N], Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook, organise the cabinets and books. They're a mess."

"But-" Taehyung protested.

"NO BUTS. You have all been decidedly lacking in my lesson, and this is your punishment."

I gave her a look of disbelief as she walked away from the classroom, leaving us four in an awkward silence.

Eventually, Taehyung and Jungkook began organizing the cabinets, chatting between themselves whilst me and Jimin did the same, putting the books in the right place. I was also aware of the glares Jungkook occasionally sent us both.

I shivered and turned back to Jimin who was chatting away, oblivious to the fact I wasn't listening. I jumped to a start when seeing his face right in front of mine.

"[Y/N] were you even listening?" he chuckled.

I shook my head sheepishly and gestured for him to continue.

"I was asking if you'd found anyone else to go to the ball with?" Jimin chimed, smiling sweetly.

I stopped, aware that the other two were now staring. I chuckled to myself, forming a plan already. I jumped up onto the table and propped a leg onto the chair.

"No," I hid my smirk seeing Jungkook's relieved expression.

"Have you made up your mind yet?" Jimin asked hesitantly, searching my eyes. I smiled satisfied at Jungkook's confusion as Taehyung observed the scene with playful eyes.

"Yes. I'm going with you," I grinned as Jimin's eyes lit up and Taehyung grinned as Jungkook's expression darkened.

Smirking, I jumped off and walked towards the door.

"Wait [Y/N]-" Jungkook growled, but I laughed it off.

"See you later fucker," I grinned and slammed the door behind me.






n e ways, rant over! this was kind of a filler chapter,, as the spicy stuff is coming soon ;)

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