Happiness ; 행복

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I chuckled, observing Chae running from left to right around the room, panicking. "Oh my, do you think I can just cancel this now?" she panicked, whipping out her phone.

"YAH! Lee Chae, calm down for 2 minutes at least, for goodness sake!" I laughed, knocking the phone out of her hands. Today she was meeting Jimin, alone, so it was practically a date, even though she had denied it every time we teased her about it. For the past 5 minutes I had witnessed at least 10 outfit changes and several mini panic attacks, and now I had to step in.

"You're going to be fine, idiot," I smiled as she tried to smile back.


The doorbell rang, signaling Jimin had arrived. Just as Chae was about to get up, I shook my head grinning, and walked out of the bedroom towards the door.

"Long time no see, Chim," I smirked, seeing his flustered appearance.

"[Y/N]?" he widened his eyes, "you're back?! Stupid, why didn't you tell me?!"

I smirked again, "Nice surprise, huh?"

Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, "whatever you say."

I furrowed my eyebrows before remembering Chae, "Right, you guys have fun," I beckoned for Chae to come out, "on your date." I smirked.

Both immediately started blushing, Chae averting her gaze awkwardly and Jimin standing with his mouth slightly open.

"R-right, i-it's a date." Chae shot Jimin a horrified look after his stuttering speech. Jimin instantly slapped a hand over his mouth and shook his head vigorously as I watched with amusement.

"I-I mean i-it's not a date-"

"Yeah, yeah, now shoo both of you, out of my sight!" I laughed, shoving the both of the away from the door. Then as they reached the elevator,



I sighed, plopping myself on to the bed and throwing off my shoes. It was now 7PM and the sky was darkening, a candyfloss pink intertwined with the deep shades of indigo and blue. Chae had still not arrived, Jieun and Mei had told me they wouldn't be returning for a while as they were shopping and Hayeon was hanging out with Hoseok.

Altogether the only productive thing I had done today was visit the Jeons. I remembered the promise I had with Joochan, and decided to take a visit.

"Noona?!" Joochan had squealed, running up to me as Mrs Jeon watched in amusement, a small smile painting her lips.

"Hello Joo," I smiled, pulling him into a hug.

"I haven't seen you in ages...Where have you been?" he pouted.

"Noona had to take a little break so she could concentrate on school," I explained, "but I came back here because I knew I'd promised you I would come back!"

Joochan grinned widely, bunny smile causing me to smile too. "Can we go upstairs to play now then?!"

I nodded my head, letting him lead me upstairs, Mrs Jeon nodded as I passed by her, her elegance awing me for a second.

"Wait, [Y/N]?"

I turned back, bowing my head before answering, "Ne, Mrs Jeon?"

I could see her clearly hesitate before glancing around. "Have you..have you talked to Jungkook recently?"

I bit my lip, realizing I hadn't encountered Jungkook as of yet. I shook my head slowly.

Mrs Jeon let out a sigh, before asking, "Will you?"

"Yes," I answered without hesitation. I would do it, as soon as I was ready.

Mrs Jeon smiled as Joochan tugged my hand impatiently. "Good luck darling."


I lay back on my bed, smile falling slightly as a feeling of guilt lingered in my gut. I hadn't seen Jungkook yet and I wasn't going to deny that I was immensely grateful. Coming back to Busan was enough for now right? I just needed some time before I had the courage to talk to him, and start moving on. For now I felt like I was in the middle, not really on Earth at all. It was a weird feeling, I thought as I scrunched up my nose in distaste.

Thinking about it now, I had made a lot of this mess, I was hugely responsible. If I had just swallowed my pride and been mature... Originally I had planned for giving Jungkook the illusion that he was in love with me, and then turning my back and leaving him in the end. Whilst I had successfully achieved the illusion part, I had unwillingly fell in love with him. And that was not an illusion, my feelings were real. And, I thought bitterly, still were. It was stupid and immature of me, but there was no turning back now. It was either moving on or staying stuck in the present.

"Eomma what is happiness?" I asked innocently.

Eomma looked up from her paperwork and smiled, "[Y/N]-ssi, happiness means different things to different people. It can be in the form of something you love, your passion, someone you love, even living and breathing is a form of happiness for some."

"What's your happiness?"

Her lips curved upwards even more, "my happiness is you, Joon and Appa. I love all of you and I think that's my happiness."

"Does everyone find happiness?" I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows together.

"I believe so, some later, some earlier. I think it's a matter of having or doing certain things before finding true, inner happiness."

Eomma's wise words were a great help to me when I was in situations like this, thinking too much.

I jumped up on the bed when hearing my phone suddenly started ringing. Thinking it would be Chae, I grabbed it and answered it with no hesitation.



"Is anybody there?"


And then...

a sniff.


I miss you."

I froze in shock, voice normally higher pitched and dripping with honey now sounded deeper, raspy and...broken.





new chapter!

i've been updating regularly recently lmao i'm proud of myself

i want to bring this story together and finally to an end

thankyou for reading, love you all!

-sora <3

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