Friends ; 친구

375 8 2

"Thankyou Chae, I appreciate it. Bye," I ended the call after excusing myself from eating with the others and asking them to enjoy themselves, I had already lost my appetite. 

So here I sat, on the bench outside the restraunt, taking in the beauty of the scenery surrounding me. This was something I often did, it made me stress less, and made me appreciate what I had instead of wallowing in my misery. 

"So stupid," I whispered, rubbing my forehead frustratedly. 

"You're really not," came a voice from behind me, causing me to jump and turn around in shock. 


what a surprise.


"Are you okay?" he asked, taking a seat beside me, causing me to flinch from his closeness.

"Yes, I'm fine.." I answered, avoiding eye contact.

No you're not, the voice inside screamed, you're hurting yourself again and you know it! The last thing I wanted was to talk to Jungkook right now, I wasn't ready. 
I shook my head quickly and shivered, earning a concerned look from Jungkook.

He glanced down before replying, "[Y/N], why?... Why are you avoiding me?" 

There goes my heart again,
I'm hurting myself,
But the worst part is,
I'm hurting you too.

"If I didn't know better I'd have thought you were avoiding me because of our past..not that you don't have a reason not to do that," he whispered, his voice filled with guilt and pain.

"I'm sorry," I started, able to take this no longer, "I'm sorry Jungkook, I don't think us recovering our 'friendship' is hurting you, and I don't like it. This isn't working," I said, finally returning his eye contact.

"[Y/N], you're just the same. Always sacrificing your own happiness so I don't get hurt," Jungkook mumbled under his breath, slightly smiling.

He turned to me again, serious again. 

"No [Y/N], I want to recover our friendship, I need to make it up to you," he said, clearly pained.

"So please, give me this chance to prove it to you. Can we be friends again?.."


Though at the end, I'm going to end up hurting you

I nodded slowly, facing Jungkook, "I'm willing to give our friendship a chance."

His adorable bunny smile filled his feautures, causing me to smile back. 

"Thankyou [Y/N]." 

"So...your number?" he laughed.
Bleh I'm not so proud of this chapter also it's short >^<
I actually wasn't going to post this but I had to because THIS BOOK IS ALMOST AT 100 READS :D
I know, I know, it's early yet but I'm planning a short series for all BTS members, I actually really like the idea, but at the moment I want to focus my attention on this book because of the attention it's got so far 💛
Don't be a silent reader, make sure to comment because y'all's comments and messaged make my day [hehehehehtotallynotaterriblejokehintingatsvt'snewalbumuGhcaratrighthere]
Again, thanks for reading and ily! 🌿✨💜

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