Leave Me ; 나를 떠나라

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+ song ; don't leave me [8D] - bts 



That's all I could see, opening my eyes after what seemed like an eternity, to see Chae staring at my face in concern.

I couldn't remember how I had got into the situation, and not knowing frustrated me. I quickly sat up, trying to throw the covers away but Chae stopped me with a blank expression. I stared at her in silence, sensing something was wrong. I was right, as two seconds later she was hugging me, soaking my sweater with tears. Despite already knowing something was up, I began to feel panic.

"Chae? What's wrong?! Why are you crying?! Chae, why are you crying?" She wouldn't answer, and I suddenly felt an urge to cry aswell.

"S-Shut up," she managed to croak through her sobs, clutching tighter.

"Chae...please," I tried calming her down but to no avail.

"You..I was so worried!...If I knew something like that would happen..." I felt her shiver but stayed silent.

"Him...It's because of him...I'm going to kill him," Chae growled, and this time she did not sound like an adorable chipmunk. I shivered, despite the comments being aimed towards him.

But then I realized what she said. Him...Jungkook. Just his name and I could feel the tears come to eyes, finally relieving my emotions. 

"W-Where is he?" I managed to croak out.

"Calm down, he's gone home." And not coming back, she added quietly.

Chae pulled away, sniffing when seeing I was crying too. Once we had both calmed down, she leaned forward, her blank expression vacant once again. 

"[Y/N]?" she said, waiting for my response.

I nodded. She sighed.

"You love him, don't you?"

Instead of looking at her in shock, I covered my face with my hands and leaned on to my pillow. And that gave her the obvious answer.


When I was finally strong enough to face the others and my cousin, I went downstairs and was immediately crushed by all of them.

"[Y/N] I'm so sorry-I didn't know it was such a sensitive topi-"

"Why didn't you tell us you didn't feel we-"

"You should be in bed resti-"


I chuckled at Jieun's stupid question, and grabbed a glass of water before sitting down. "All will be explained, in time."


It was night, but I couldn't sleep. According to Chae, I had fainted and stayed asleep for 3 days. I couldn't even properly ask what had happened with Jungkook, because she became cold as soon as I mentioned him, and besides I was scared she would carry out her threat.

I sighed, and tiptoed downstairs, slipping on my shoes and went outside. There was a slight breeze in the air, which helped me breathe again. As I looked up at the stars, memories suddenly floated towards me.


5 year old [Y/N] sat, surrounded by flowers and distracted by her thoughts. She didn't realize the boy sitting next to her until he approached her with his hand out.

"I'm Jungkook, who are you?"

She looked up, and replied shyly, "I'm [Y/N]."

They shook hands, "our mums are friends,"  he smiled goofily.

She laughed quietly in response, "Yes. They are."

Jungkook laughed again before asking shyly, "Can we be friends too [Y/N]?"


I sniffed softly and quickened my pace to distract me.


[Y/N] breathed in deeply, trying not to have an anxiety attack. She didn't expect this many people to come to her cousin's Halloween party, as Yerin had convinced her it would only be a few people.

She was now surrounded by people and on the verge of crying.

Don't be so weak, she scolded herself, it isn't that serious.

She tried walking through the people to get outside, only to be shoved into a bigger crowd. All of a sudden she felt a pressure on her wrist, tugging her out of the crowd, and immediately relaxed.

Once they had finally got out of there, Jungkook turned around with a look of concern on his face.

"Thankyou Jungkook," [Y/N] murmured, extremely grateful.

"Don't worry about it. You shouldn't have gone if you were going to get that stressed."

"I didn't expect that many people. You should go back Jungkook," she replied, starting to walk away.

A few moments later and she heard footsteps beside her and felt a hand slip through hers. She looked at Jungkook in confusion, only to be met with a bunny smile.

"I'm not leaving you alone."


Tears were now dripping freely down my face.

Way to go [Y/N]

I decided I'd had enough time outside and I needed to get back home and sleep.Before doing this, I walked towards the back of the park, my quiet place. I hadn't been there for a while. I breathed out slowly seeing the old piano, it's untouched keys slowly collecting dust and felt a pang of guilt. I breathed in deeply again and promised myself I would visit here more often. I turned back walking slowly towards home, when I suddenly saw a figure walking way in front. One look and I knew immediately who it was. Jungkook.

I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I followed him, calling out his name as I neared him.

My heart stopped when he turned around, eyes blank and a cold expression vacant.

"What?" he asked, voice croaky.

"Please," I whispered, suddenly crying again, "let me explain w-"

He turned around, back facing me. "[Y/N]. Please, I know. I know I deserved it. I was just stupid enough to think that you would..."

No. No. No.

He's not allowed to think that way - it isn't fair. Oh [Y/N] why couldn't you for once listen to your heart and mind over your pride?

"NO! Jungkook please just let me..." I broke down crying, unable to say more.

Jungkook turned around. His eyes were full of pain as he finally met my teary gaze. "[Y/N]. I'm sorry. I ask one last thing of you.

"Leave me."

I completely broke down, tears endlessly streaming down his face, broken promises and pain whirling violently around me, sucking me into a world of never ending darkness as I watched his figure walking further and further away, oblivious to the fact he was crying too.

Every step I took closer to home, the emptier I felt. I had originally come outside to help myself sleep but I couldn't even more now, fighting every urge to cry as I curled up in my bed. I could only think one thing, my mind was blank.

Don't leave me.



An update wow

Honestly lately I've been feeling so weird,, I have this feeling something bad's going to happen and I'm really freaked out. I don't if it's just me being paranoid,, things have been okay atm. idk maybe time's just going to fast for me 

anyways, sorry for the rant. not many of you have been commenting lately, i would really really really appreciate you telling me what you think of this book :)

thankyou for reading!

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