Fever; 열

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It was my seventh day off school—after the incident with Jungkook I had caught a cold which had eventually turned into a fever.

So here I was, stuck in bed with a box of tissues and a cup of tea, forced to stay in my room by Chae. I sighed and tried to resist the temptation of reaching out and grabbing my paperwork that had still not been completed. I'm that type of person who just can't keep still, so resting in bed was killing me inside. 

Just as I was about to pick it up, I heard the front door open. I froze. 

It can't be Chae, she works for an hour at the cafe after school...

"Shit," I whispered under my breath as I tiptoed to the closet, picking up a tennis racket on my way.

"Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic," I whispered to myself, only making me panic more. 

I wonder who Mr. Lee will pick on when I'm gone, I thought, physically face palming myself after thinking it.

Suddenly the door of my bedroom bursts open. Silence.

I couldn't the urge to peak through the crack in the door.

The three people looked familiar,
Isn't it
Hayeon, Jieun and Mei?

The surprise caught me off guard as my weak legs gave out and I tumbled down, causing the door of the closet to crash open, revealing a pile of clothes, shoes, trash and me tangled up in the middle of it. 


"[Y/N]!!" Mei shrieked, running towards me along with the other two.

"What are you doing in the closet?!" Jieun exclaimed, as Hayeon helped me up.

"I thought someone broke in, so I hid in there," I admitted sheepishly as they laughed.

"Oh yeah..about that.." Hayeon trailed off.

I raised an eyebrow as I walked back towards my bed, "Why are you here?"

Jieun pulled a face before sitting on the bed next to me. "Chae wouldn't let us visit, she said you needed rest, but we missed you too much."

"Tell me about it—I've been stuck in this room for a week now!" I exclaimed.

"We couldn't survive school any longer without you," explained Mei, "It was boring without you and your witty responses to everything we say."

"Stop talking about her like she's dead and we're talking to her grave," Jieun giggled, making me smile.

As much as I hated to admit it, I had missed them too 

"So," Hayeon smiled, "we decided to help you escape from this hell to take you out somewhere."

"Only if you want to," Mae added.

My eyes lit up in excitement, "WANT TO?! OF COURSE I WANT TO! Let's GO!" I exclaimed excitedly, jumping out of bed.

The three laughed, also getting up, but stopping when hearing the door open again and footsteps in the hallway.

"Chae must be back!" Jieun whispered, eyes widening in worry.

"wHAT?" Hayeon's eyes widened in terror.

"Well then, guess it's bye then. It was nice knowing you," Mei whispered, eyes closed and hands clasped together dramatically.

Hayeon flashed her a look that said 'what-the-actual-fuck' as I took a deep breath, preparing for the worst.

As Chae entered the room, all four of us looked at each other and burst into laughter.

The expression of shock was hilarious

"You three," Chae growled, in an attempt to sound intimidating but ended up sounding like a chipmunk, "What are you doing here when I specifically told you that you had to let [Y/N] rest?!" 

"Oh...u-uhm.." Jieun stumbled, "we g-got lost on the way..ye-yeah we got lost on the way back from s-school..a-and somehow ended up here...yeah-yeah that's what happened," she finished, nodding vigorously afterwards.

Chae raised an eyebrow and bit her lip in amusement, "Is that so?" 

"No," Hayeon rolled her eyes at Jieun's pathetic excuse, "We actually came to take [Y/N] out, but hey, the more the merrier..?"

Chae's expression softened and glanced at me, "[Y/N]? Are you okay with this?" 

I nodded as Mei jumped up and clapped her hands together excitedly, 

"Finally! Can we go eat now?!"

20 minutes later and we had ended up at one of the restraunts we often came to.

As the other four were engaged in a conversation, I watched out of the window, watching and admiring as the brightly coloured Autumn leaves floated down, spinning like cherry blossoms off a blossom tree on a warm spring day. It was the little things like this I was grateful for—being able to appreciate the beauty around me despite the obstacles and problems of life.

However my attention was dragged away from the beauty outside as I heard a familiar voice speaking.

And it wasn't one of my friends.

Quickly whipping my head around to see where the source of the voice was, immediately catching the attention of my friends.

"[Y/N], what's wrong?" Jieun asked.

"Oh she's probably seen her crush, isn't that right [Y/N]?" Mae giggled, causing me to roll her eyes at her.

"No seriously though-" Hayeon was cut off as I finally realised who it was.

And he was looking right at me.

Fortunately, Chae realised what the problem was and moved so I could escape.

I could hear her faintly making an excuse for me as I tried to catch my breath against the store room door.

"What am I doing?" I cursed at myself.

I can't even face Jungkook—how am I supposed to carry out my plan?
Reads on this fanfiction are slowly increasing, I'm so happy that y'all are taking the time to read this and hopefully enjoying it :)
Hhajksks I'm sorry for the boring filler chapter and messed up updating schedule, it will definitely be more organised when my summer vacation starts this Friday 💛
Ily and thankyou again.

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