Chapter Fourteen.

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It's been a few days since the funeral and things are slowly going back to normal for everyone, with the exception of Damien. He's been grieving the lost of his mother extremely hard but hats expected. All he does is sleep and cry, Noelle has to beg from him to eat something. To the green eyed bitch that hit Lisa's car, thank you. You've taken an important person away from Damien all for cheap thrill.

Noelle standing by Damien no matter what. He helped her get her shit together and she's gonna do the same for him. It's gonna take awhile but she's in it for the long haul. She's not gonna rush Damien into his healing.

This morning Noelle woke up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. She took the bonnet off of her head and took the pins out of her hair. She combed her hair down and sprayed a little sheen on her hair to give it a little shine. Noelle stood in front of the mirror and tucked her shirt into her pants. She looked down at her but and smirked, "You've grown, I'm so proud of you." She said.

Noelle grabbed her laptop along with her phone and chargers then went downstairs to the sun room. She got situated in the corner and began doing some work on her laptop. Noelle has decided that if she wants to be an event planner she has to be the one to make the first move. She's not gonna except handouts, she gonna get the start up money her own way.

Early in the week Noelle sent off the paperwork for the LLC and she's expecting it back anyway now. Once she has that paperwork comes the task of finding an office space and building a client list. In the meantime Noelle's having some fun creating her business cards. Oh she's determined to make this work and possibly giving Bri a run for her money on the process.

Zora came in with Noelle's breakfast on a tray. "Good morning Noelle." She said.

"Hi Miss Zora." Noelle said.

"Fresh fruit, some yogurt with granola, and so green tea." Zora said.

Noelle smiled and hugged Zora's side, "Thank you Miss Zora." She said.

"You're welcome sweetheart. Need anything else?" Zora asked.

"No thank you this is enough." Noelle said.

Zora smiled and walked back into the kitchen. Noelle put the napkin across her lap and began fixing her tea. Two squeezes of honey, three scoops of sugar, and a slice of lemon is how Noelle likes her tea. Barbara had gotten the mail brought it in the the house. She came into the sun room and stopped in her tracks when she saw Noelle up. "What's got you up so early this morning?" She said.

Noelle looked up from her screen and smiled slightly, "Hi grandma, I'm just doing a little work." She said.

"I think that paperwork you've looking for came today." Barbara said. 

"Ooh." Noelle opened the envelope and took out the paperwork, she looked over it and smiled. "Yes! NH Events is officially a registered business in the state of Louisiana." Noelle said proudly.

"Ahhh congratulations Noelle! I'm so happy for you." Barbara said.

"Thank you grandma." Noelle said.

Noelle finished up her business cards and placed the orders. She sat back in the chair and enjoyed her breakfast. "With everything that's happened around here you never told me about New York." Barbara said.

"I know. But to answer your question it was an amazing time and I had a lot of fun." Noelle said.

"Details, Nono." Barbara said.

Noelle bit her lip as she began to reflect on her time in New York with Damien. She couldn't give her grandma all the juicy details but she's gonna give her something to work with.

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