Chapter Eighteen.

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Where would Damien be without Noelle?

Noelle told Damien she could have his merchandise, logo, and website ready to go within one week. Damien stepped back and let Noelle work her magic and in exactly one week she delivered on her promise. She helped Damien fulfill a small dream of his while getting her dream together.

After the vacation both of them went to work on their individual projects but Damien stepped in and helped Noelle get her business together. Damien's been doing all the manual labor while Noelle is meeting with clients. Damien and Timmy worked together to put the flooring in now they're about to start assembling the desk. If Damien was doing this by himself it'd take at least a week to be done but thankfully he has Timmy there to help him.

"So what's been going on with you Timmy?" Damien asked.

"Well I was working at a restaurant but it didn't work out." Timmy said.

Damien chuckled, "What happened?" He asked.

"The restaurant burned down." Timmy said.

"Damn that's crazy." Damien said.

"Yeah, the crazy part is I actually liked working there. Granted I was just a dishwasher but it was a nice little job." Timmy said.

"I talked to my grandparents the other day and they're looking for a waiter. You should check it out." Damien said.

Timmy started smiling because he could potential have a new job. This may come as a shock but Timmy is a great cook. It cook him a minute to realize that was his gift but hey, not everyone realizes their talent right away. Now Timmy's trying to navigate his way to through the culinary world.

Coming all the way from Los Angeles is none other than the beautiful Polynesian princess herself, Dinah Jane. Dinah heard that Noelle was getting her business together and decided to come to town and help her out.

Dinah pulled into the parking lot and got her crate of supplies out of the car. Timmy looked up and got distracted by Dinah's beauty. "Timmy wants to know who that is walking this way." He asked.

Damien turned around and chuckled, "That's Noelle's friend, Dinah Jane." He got up and unlocked the door door Dinah. "What brings you back this way?" Damien asked.

"I'm help to help my sister." Dinah Jane said.

Dinah Jane walked in and Timmy greeted her right away. "It's Timmy, baby." He said happily.

"I'm a lesbian." Dinah stated.

"That's cool mama, I'm a lesbian too." Timmy said.

Damien cackled to himself as he locked the door. Poor Timmy doesn't have a clue on how to secure a beautiful husband. Maybe Damien can help him out one day. Dinah strutted away and walked towards the bathroom.

"Look atcha, thicker than a bowl of grits on Sunday morning. Shake it but don't break baby." Timmy said.

"Timmy shut yo ass up and get back to work." Damien said.

Damien walked back over and helped Timmy assemble the desk. Dinah came out of the bathroom and started assembling a other desk. Timmy was flirting with Dinah so hard but she didn't give Timmy the time of day. It hurt Timmy's heart but Damien assured him that he'd get over it. Timmy thought Damien was on some bullshit.

After they assembled the first desk Damien and Timmy took a break. Damien went through his email to see how many new orders for his merchandise he had gotten. It crazy how many sales he'd accumulated over the course of a week. Before Damien announced that he was putting out merchandise he put out a video explaining everything that had happened to him.

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