Chapter Thirty-Nine.

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Life is so beautiful. It's been almost a year since Laila came into Damien and Noelle's life and it just keeps getting better. Neither of them thought a child would bring so much joy into their lives.

Noelle's business has going places she never thought it would. But nothing makes her happier than being a mother to her daughter. Watching Laila grow and develop every single warms her heart to the fullest. On Noelle's worse days all she has to do is look at Laila's face and everything is alright. It's kinda scary because Laila is just a pint sized version of her.

When Laila was born she was cute little light skinned baby. But as time went on her skinned turned and she looked like Noelle. Damien was so ecstatic when he saw his daughter's melanin come in. He might've been a little bit more excited than Noelle about it. Every single day Noelle tells Laila how beautiful she is.

Laila is a combination of everyone that Damien and Noelle have come in contact with. She can be loud like Normani, goofy like Timmy, creative like Damien, and kind like Grandma Barber. Even though she's almost one, Laila has a head full of thick curly hair.  Some days Noelle can get her to be still and do her hair with no problem other days not so easy. And there's those moments where she gets in her feelings and doesn't want to do anything.

Noelle's finally getting a chance to relax because tomorrow is the big day. Damien and Noelle are gonna tie the not. Originally Noelle wanted a huge wedding but over time Noelle realized that she didn't want that. She just wanted a simple ceremony with her closest friends and family present. But of course nothing in Noelle's life is easy.

Damien's flying home tonight from Seattle because he got an art contract out there to paint a mural on a building. Laila keeps looking out of the window waiting for Damien's truck to pull in the driveway. Oh yeah, they got their own spot too. When Laila hit six months old Damien bought a house and they dipped out. Best decision they could've ever made.

Laila was sitting on the couch cuddling with her doll baby when she saw a pair of headlights pull into the driveway. She hopped off the couch and toddled over to the door. "Dada!"

Normani walked in and grinned, "Hi baby!" She said excitedly.

Laila scrunched up her face and crossed her arms, "Bonjour." She said.

"Uhh, lose the attitude miss thang I ain't the one." Normani said.

"You not my dada." Laila said.

Laila climbed back on the couch and got situated under her blanket. She brought her teddy bear close to her and continued watching her favorite movie. If you said The Princess and The Frog, you'd be correct. Just like her namesake she loves the movie too. At this point Noelle is tired of it but if Laila likes it, what the hell?

"Since when does baby girl speak French?" Normani asked.

"Since Dame and I decided to start teaching her. She knows a little Spanish too, right Laila?" Noelle asked.

Laila took her thumb out of her mouth and replied, "Sì." She said.

"Okay Rosetta Stone, do your thang." Normani said.

"You ready for tomorrow sis?" Noelle asked.

"I should be asking you that. But yes I'm ready." Noelle said.

"And they said I'd be the one to get married first." Normani said.

Noelle chuckled and handed her a cup of tea, she sat down beside her and replied, "You'll be the next one to get hitched. You and Timmy will take that stroll into forever." She said.

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