Chapter Thirty-Five.

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"Time to go get my buddy and bother Mani." Timmy sang as he drove along.

Timmy has a lot of free time on his hands since the restaurant is getting renovated so he's gonna be productive. Damien's been a little down by Timmy is gonna pick him up and they're gonna go workout. Afterwards he's gonna take Dame out to lunch and just kick it with him for the day. Timmy just wants Damien not worry about his problems and be happy again. Hopefully this will be a good day for Damien.

Normani was at the house spending time with DJ and Choie when she saw Timmy pull up in his new truck. DJ stood on the couch and looked at out the window. "Timmy here!" He said excitedly. DJ jumped off of the couch and ran to the door. Timmy hopped out of the truck and stretched his arms for a minute. Choie's mouth flew up when she saw Timmy's beautifully chiseled torso.

Timmy is that country ass dude that likes riding around with no shirt sometimes.

"Girl, I did not know Timmy was packing like that." Choie said.

Normani rolled her eyes and flipped through DJ's coloring book. "Timmy is not all that." She said.

"Look our the window." Choie said.

Normani looked out the window and as soon as she saw Timmy's body she melted on the couch. Barbara lowered her glasses and took a nice long look at Timmy. Normani was squeezing her thighs together because for the first time ever her kitty had a heartbeat. "But he ain't all that though." Choie said.

"Shut up Choie." Normani said.

Timmy put in his shirt and started walking in the house. When he opened the door DJ was standing there with his arms up. "Timmy!" DJ shouted.

"DJ!" Timmy replied.

Timmy picked DJ up and pretended to an airplane for a minute. He walked into the living room and looked around, "Hey ladies."

"Hey Timmy." They all replied.

Timmy leaned down and gave Barbara a kiss on the cheek. "A kiss for my favorite girl." He said.

"Thanks handsome." Barbara said.

Timmy sat right beside Normani and wiggled his eyebrows. "No work today?" He asked.

"N-No just hanging with the family." Normani said.

"Cool, cool." Timmy said.

DJ tapped Timmy in his shoulder and held up his chain, "I got drip." He said.

"I see it. You get it from Dame and he got it from me." Timmy said.

"Drip drip!" DJ sang.

"So what are you and Dame getting into today?" Barbara asked.

"We're gonna go workout, do a little boxing, and then chill for the rest of the day." Timmy explained.

"He could beat this pussy up if he wanted to." Normani thought to herself.

Normani went around the corner and went to the bathroom. Timmy sat DJ down and pretended to go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Instead of going to the bathroom Timmy stood outside and waited for Normani. Normani was in the bathroom trying to calm herself down because she didn't realize how fine Timmy was until today. Timmy is that fine ruin your walls, life, and credit kind of fine.

Here's what Timmy looks like, imagine this.

Timmy is dark skinned, like Normani. He's 6'3, can't give you his weight but his thick. Not fat thick but muscular thick. He's has a half sleeve tattoo on his right arm, looking to finish up the rest very soon. His hair is kinky and cut into a high fade with the line in the side. But his best feature is his beard, it's one of those beards that requires some maintaining. And he's also packing some major equipment in the downstairs area.

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