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"Hello? Can you hear me?"

The voice of the woman echoed through her head, her lips not moving. The LED on the temple of the woman's head blinked with every word that spoke in her mind. She had a slight spark of hope, though no answer came. She called again, a third time.


The joy disappeared from her processors, as the hope sunk into her shoes. Her eyes shut close, trying to stop the artificial tears from streaming down her face.

"Hello? Who is this?"

Finally a voice answered her desperate calls. She opened her eyes again. She had hope to be saved. The voice was definitely a man, and he sounded familiar to her processors, but she couldn't quite put a finger on it.

"Hello? You can hear me? I'm glad. My name's -"

The woman stopped middle sentence. Her artificial breath had stopped, and she noticed her hands shaking. She remembered that she did not remember her name, only remembering her model type and her serial. She was an old prototype model, the RK300, released in 2024. Serial #528 417 627. She quickly tried connecting to the internet, to look up a name, but failed. Not taking the risk of disconnecting from her possible savior, she searched deep through her memory. A long silence filled the room she was in. She tried to dig harder than she ever tried. A memory from her cloud popped up.

"Do you want to give me a name?" She looked up at the man, his face blurry. He smiled at the Android and nodded. "Yes, I'd love to give you a name. From now on, your name is Aria." She felt a smile curl up her lips as she looked at the man, and the memory paused, coming to an end.

"My name's Aria." The Android spoke softly through her head, waiting for a response. She tilted her head slightly as she got none.


"I'm here. I'm still here. Now Aria, could you tell me why exactly did you connect to my Chloe?" The way he slowly said her voice sent shivers down her Android body. Something seemed off about all of this, and about this man, but she shook the thought off when she realized that this could be her only way to get saved.

She took a deep -artificial- breath in, and started talking through the Chloe.

"You need to help me. I'm held here against my will for so long that I lost track of the days. God knows how long I've been here!" Emotions slowly started to wash over her body, forming artificial tears in her eyes, while her voice whimpered for a savior.

"You need to help me. Please, I beg you, I won't be able to take this much longer. I don't want to shut down." The artificial tears now streamed down her cheeks, and heavy, shaking breaths left her mouth. "Please, I beg you, you -"

Again, she stopped mid-sentence, her ears adjusting to the silent room. Her bio component #8451, the bio component that regulated her heartbeat, started pacing faster, as her breaths stopped. "T-they're coming. I have to disconnect." She quickly spoke as Chloe's LED blinked, resembling the LED of the speaking android.


The man stared at the Android, named Chloe, as he saw her take control of herself again. He felt like he knew that voice, but could not put a label on the woman's voice. He was confused over all, and sunk into one of his chairs. The usual so confident, and sometimes even cocky, Elijah stared out of the window, wondering where this woman was, and who she was. Then her words repeated into his head. "'I don't want to shut down.'" Kamksi repeated the words out loud, and then realization hit him. She wasn't a she, it was an it.

Of course she was. How else could she have connected to Chloe?

Fuck, I called it she again!


Elijah tried his best to keep his mind off of the mysterious girl, no, Android. But he could simply not help that his mind kept thinking about her, and who she was. Why would her voice sound so familiar to him? Or was it just an illusion created by his mind? Who knew. He just waited until it connected to Chloe again. So he'd just swim the time away, who knew how many laps he had already swum, though he was fully convinced one of the Chloes must have kept track of it.

When Elijah had tired his muscles out, and had swam for over two hours, he got out of the red tiled swimming pool. The two Chloe's paddling in the pool looked over to the man climbing out of the pool, and then turned back to each other, continuing their conversation about god knows what. One of the Chloes carefully draped the Maroon bathrobe over his shoulders, and Elijah tied it shut.

He did not let his actual thoughts show towards the Chloes, because they would simply just not understand. He stared out of the window, that had a view over the city of Detroit. The brown, yellow and orange leaves fell down the trees. The weather has been becoming colder, and winter was slowly coming. Soon snow would be falling down from the clouds, dazzling down onto the floor, forming a nice white blanket on the landscape of Detroit. It was one of the most beautiful times of the year, no, the most beautiful time of the year in Elijah's opinion.

Elijah was about to get up, and leave towards his library.



The familiar voice sounded in his ears again, and he looked around to see Chloe.


Elijah cleared his throat and spoke to the Android. "Hello Aria." His voice sounded calm.

"Hello..." Her voice sounded broken, and raspy, like she had been screaming and crying for hours. Like she had been tortured into pure and only pain, hurt over and over. Which was about what she experienced.

Thirium was running from her nose, and several places on her body. Her arms bleeded, her legs, her neck, her back and her chest. She was bleeding everywhere, and was happy that the man on the other side of the Chloe couldn't see her.

Her raspy voice spoke again. "What's your name?" She asked the question, but immediately regretted it, scared she might sounded rude. "Elijah. Call me Elijah."

The name of the man definitely rang a bell somewhere in her head, but she could not give it a place.


His name slowly rolled of her artificial tongue, pronouncing the name out loud, before realizing that she did. She heard the man chuckle from the other side of the Chloe, which made the Android, in her turn, smile.

"Nice to meet you Elijah."

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