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Hi guys, don't hate me for not posting on Thursday. The wifi was dead both Thursday and Friday, so there's two chapters instead of one today :)

"What do you mean you don't know where you are?"

"I just simply don't! I can't help it!"

"All Androids are equipped with GPS, so they can always be found and know where they are. So why don't you?" Elijah sounded irritated with the Android, making her stress levels rise, and her LED flicker yellow.
"I-I'm sorry! They must have taken the GPS out, or deactivated it, I'm sorry!"
"If it was deactivated, you should be able to activate it again easily, I could help you with that." Her eyes seemed to light up, her LED flickering yellow once more, before returning to the calm blue.

"That would be great, but could you send me your location too? So if I manage to escape myself, I have somewhere to go."

Receiving location code.

Downloaded location code.

"That's fast."

"Chloe is a fast thinker." The android could hear a slight chuckle from the man, making her mouth curl up into a smile. A small gesture that could make her happy for hours.

She was happy to have connected to Elijah. He seemed to actually care, not like that man she connected to this one time, who was going to reset her. If she remembered correctly, his name was Zlatko. She remembered how hurt she had felt when she found out that he didn't actually care. But Elijah, Elijah had wholesome conversations with her, listening to her for hours, and she could listen hours to Elijah. It made something inside of her body hurt, but in a pleasing way.

"Hello? Aria, are you okay?" The concerned voice filled her mind again, as her thoughts faded off. She had not realized she had sunken into her thoughts that deep, but this call for her also made her confirm her statements about him caring even more.

"I'm okay, I just got a bit caught up in my thoughts and I guess I shut you out." The Android felt guilt for being a bit ignorant, but she couldn't help it.
"That's alright. I understand your a bit off mind."
"Sssh, I think they're coming again..." The Android woman sushed Elijah, making him go silent in an instant.

Elijah could hear a loud bang, which was the door swinging open, and a loud, almost thundering voice. "Who were you talking to?" Aria had to think fast, but there was only one answer that was logical that wouldn't get her in too much trouble. Her LED was flickering yellow, as she stayed alert.
"Sorry, I was talking to myself." The Android looked to the floor, not daring to make eyecontact with the big man.


The man dragged her out of the room aggressively. She was scared and wished that Elijah would come to save her.

Wait... Fuck! I forgot to give him the address!

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