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As soon as the Android had been turned on, she was alert. She behaved just like normal, being pushed in front of the man who got her from the room, guiding her to the chamber of daily torture. She now and then showed protest, just as always, so things wouldn't seem off.

The men did what they always did, but it wouldn't last for long. She was blessed with being an Android and having top reaction speed, otherwise, she was probably fucked.

She observed the table, where the knifes and other tools were neatly laid out quickly, analyzing which would be the best to attack, and which one would be the easiest when removing her LED.

When she was thrown towards the table, she landed against it, and in a swift motion she grabbed the, probably, sharpest knife on the table. She let herself fall on the ground, waiting for a human to come closer.

"Get that knife out of her hands."

The man obeyed and knelt down next to the Android, trying to loosen up the fingers around the knife. And that's when she stabbed the man through the throat.

She felt disgusted about herself. She had just murdered a human, and there were four more left, because she knew that they wouldn't just let her go. So she was left no choice to murdered all. 

When she was done, her hands were shaking, covered in blood, just like parts of her black clothing. Finally the shock hit her. She had murdered five people, who weren't innocent, but still, five people, who might have had a family. But she did it to protect herself right? 

She had killed five humans, just for her own sake.

And gosh, she felt so guilty, that she wished she didn't.

And that's it! This was part one of the Connecting series! I will gladly invite you to now move to part two, which I just uploaded. The prologue is online, so feel free to add it to your library. I hope everyone is excited for the next part!

Love, Kirsten

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