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"How about you?"
The Android slightly cocked her head at the question, not quite understanding it.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean what do you do when you're not talking to me, and those people aren't ruining your life?"

"I don't do anything really... Usually, they tie me onto the chair, so I can't even move... When they don't tie me down, I walk around, sit against the wall to cool down my bio components, sometimes I go into standby, or sleep mode as humans call it. When I am tied down I usually just go into standby, since there's nothing for me to do."

The man was slightly shocked at what the Android told him. He did not like to hear Androids being treated badly, but the way she, no it, was treated simply shocked him. He was surprised that she didn't decide to shut down, or self destruct yet. It fascinated the man. The Android had so much will to live.

The Android spoke as if it were nothing, which it pretty much was to her. She was used to it by now.
"That might also be one of the reasons why I ended up deviating."
The Android simply spoke, looking up at the ceiling.
"Today they didn't tie me down. I'm sitting against the wall right now, trying to cool down, since my fans can't cool my body well enough in this hot room."
The Android could hear her fans turning at a high speed.

"Oh fuck, you're still stuck in there, I almost forgot!"

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