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Warning: Running  low on Thirium 310

A message flashed in front of the Android's eyes, making her aware of her low Thirium levels, as her LED was flickering red violently. Her body felt weak, but was held up by a man, keeping her from falling onto the ground. She had her eyes shut close tightly, trying to not think about the pain she felt, and the chance of her shutting down.

She shut out everything. The men, the feelings, her whole sight and hearing. She concentrated on her possible savior, but she could only hear his voice, without seeing his face. A faceless body, with a voice, but no eyes, lips, nose, nothing.

And that was when she was released from the grip, making her fall onto the ground. She groaned as she laid on the floor, trying to push herself up with her arms, but unable to.
"Get up, you piece of plastic trash!"
The man yelled at her, and gave her a kick in the leg, only making her screech in pain. She mumbled some words, as more and more warnings and errors popped up in her sight.
"Low on Thirium..." The Android could hardly move, and was close to shutting down, as the timer ticked.

"Good. Let that trash die."
"What the fuck dude? We still need it for the information? She's going to talk eventually."
The man handed her a bottle of Thirium, and she chugged it in one go. She looked at the man with a look of gratitude, as her LED flickered red once more, before switching yellow.

After a little the Android had regained enough strength to get up and walk, her LED now the colour of peaceful blue. The man who had handed her the bottle of Thirium took her back to the hot room. When he entered the room with her, he let out a huff.
"It's hot in here, how do you even survive this?"
"I don't."
The Android jokingly spoke, but her features didn't show a face of joy.

"I'll turn the air conditioning on for you, but in return you have to promise to behave, and tell us as soon as you remember anything. Alright?"
The Android simply nodded as she leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down.
"Oh, and I brought you an extra bottle of Thirium. Use it when needed."

The man threw the bottle filed with the blue liquid to her. She smiled to the man as he closed the door. She took a small sip from the bottle and put it away, not wanting to drink all of it yet. After a few minutes she also heard a machine start up, and the air started to become cooler, making the room a lot more bearable.



"Hello? Elijah?"
"Hello. This is Chloe. I'm not the Android you're connected with right now, I'm a different Android owned by Elijah. Elijah is taking a relaxing bath at the moment, but if you tell me why you connected, I can tell him your message."

Aria had a doubt for a small moment, but trusted the Android.
"Thank you Chloe. I wanted to tell Elijah that I haven't been doing very well after today's... Treatment. So I will most likely not connect to you guys anymore today. I think I'll go into stand-by mode, allowing my body to rest. I hope you, the other Chloe and Elijah have a great day."

"I'll tell him as soon as I get the chance to."


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