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Sorry I didn't update on Saturday, I was in London! I had a lot of fun and would definitely recommend it c:  Anyways, I hope you have fun reading!

"Tell me about yourself." The voice of the Android filled Kamski's room. 

For the past two days, the Android had told about herself, or at least everything her memory and cloud still contained. How the men would treat her, torture her, trying to get information out of her, for who even knows how long for now? Was it more than a year already? She didn't know. She told about her brown hair and bright green eyes that she had seen in a broken shard of what once was a mirror, and how she remembered herself again. How she remembered the ways and why's she was designed like she was, even memories started popping up, restoring her memory piece by piece. All memories, except for one, were just small memories, tiny pieces to the puzzle. She remembered herself painting once, and staring out of a big window as the snow fell down. But one big memory had popped up. It was her, swimming with the man who named her. The pool had blood red tiles. The man's face was still blurry, making him unrecognizable.

"Well, okay. I'm Elijah, I'm 36 years old. My favourite colour is blue. I finished college at a young age, and have already retired, though the days get quite boring."
The man didn't want to reveal too much about himself. He wanted to see if the Android was going to find out herself.

The Android carefully listened, absorbing the information. Elijah didn't tell much about himself yet, but the Android did not mind. She understood if he didn't fully trust her yet, because she had only connected to him for the first time two days ago. It was exactly 2 days, 13 hours, 21 minutes and 52 seconds ago she had first connected to Elijah's Chloe.

Aria did not know that this was not the true reason why Elijah held back on information. But even Elijah himself was not a full hundred percent sure why he'd hold back on information.

"What did you study, and when did you graduate?" The Android curiously asked, wanting to know more.
"I'm an AI Graduate, and I graduated at the age of 16, in 2018. Though I don't really like bragging about it... I usually just get commentary on it, especially back then. Everyone would just call me out with stuff like 'r/iamverysmart', nerd, and stuff like that..."

The Android immediately noticed Elijah's change of mood. He sounded sadder, a bit hurt even. It intrigued the Android, making her want to learn more about his past, and how he had been treated by the world.

While she herself did not even remember any moment of her existence, where she was being treated well.

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