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The curse of the man echoed through her head as he too realized what was going on.
"Fuck, you're totally right... How could I have not seen... Of course they don't just randomly take you, they wouldn't. There was a reason all along."
A feeling of anger boiled up in Elijah's body. They used her. And she knew it too.

A small silence followed, both furious about the truth.

"So, how do I activate my GPS?"
"Oh trust me, it's quite easy. I'll go through the steps with you carefully."
The Android smiled.
"Okay, tell me what to do."
She sat down in the chair, making sure she sat properly.
"You know that there's a little panel in your left arm? Open it for me please."

The Android obeyed, first deactivating the skin on her arm, and next opening the small panel. Buttons, wires and switched were seen.

"Okay, if I'm right, on the middle row there are 2 buttons."
"I need you to press the left one."

The Android followed her instructions again, pressing the left button of the middle row. Something changed, but it wasn't her GPS turning on.

"Elijah, my GPS still isn't on."
"Correct, this was the first part, now the second, and last, part. You can close the panel on your arm, and I need you to open the panel on your stomach. This might get tricky."

The Android gently closed the panel, and opened the panel on her stomach. This panel also contained several buttons, wires and switches.
"What now? I opened the panel. This one is really big."

That's when the door opened. It didn't swing open, it was gently opened, and a man stepped inside the room. "Who are you talking to?"
The Android jumped in her seat when she heard the voice, and quickly closed the panel, making her human like skin appear again.

"No-one."  The Android would have stuttered if she was a human, but she talked fluently as always.
"Sure didn't sound like no-one."
"I was just talking to myself."

"And that's why you said, I quote, 'Elijah, my GPS still isn't on.' Sure doesn't sound like no-one. Sounds like the person we've been asking you about..."
The man looked furious, but the Android played as she didn't know what he was talking about.
"Excuse me? Is this the person you've been torturing me for? I did not know!"

Before the Android had any chance to speak further, the man angrily grabbed her neck, and carried her out of the room.


In the light she recognized it was the man who had helped her yesterday. He seemed to be in a worse mood than yesterday. He angrily threw her on the floor, and she landed flat on her back.

She fucked up by starting to speak to Elijah out loud, instead of just saying the words in her head like she should have done.

But she couldn't help that it felt like he was standing in front of her, talking.

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