Sick Hiccup

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(RTTE Season 4)

It was a beautiful morning at the edge, the birds are chirping, the sun shining down, and the dragons flying around. A morning that everyone should be excited to start their day, everyone accept Hiccup.

Hiccup opens his eyes and instantly regretted it, his body was hurting, even his eyes. Hiccup groaned as he sat up, which took more energy than expected. Toothless head shot up as he got up, walking to Hiccup worried, "Morning bu-bu-bu-ACHOO-uhhhh bud" Hiccup Said only to get a worried coon as a reply "I'm fine Toothless, Ill meet you outside" Hiccup Said as he stood up, which was hard since he was swaying a lot. Toothless whimpered but listened to his rider, he left the hut and waited outside. Meanwhile the gang was already up and ready for action, all they need was there leader......Hiccup. "Urgh, where is he" Snotlout said, "He should be here by now" Fishlegs Said, "Somethings not right" Astrid Said as a worried Toothless entered the room "Hey T, what's up, do you know where H is?" Tuff asked. Toothless cooned in worry as he motioned everyone to follow him before dashing off, of course everyone followed Toothless to Hiccups hut, Toothless eyed the door as Astrid went up to the door and knocked "Hiccup?" reply, she tried again and still no reply "Ok now I'm worried" Astrid Said as Fishlegs started to panic. "I bet he's just asleep" Snotlout Said as Fishlegs shook his head "That's not like Hiccup, Snotlout. Astrid, check if the door is unlocked", Astrid did so as the door was unlocked, she walked in and motioned everyone to follow quickly but quietly "Are we SPYS!" Tuff Said as Ruff smacked him on the head, shutting him up. As the gang walked up the stairs with Toothless right behind them worried, Snotlout said "You guys are overreacting, Hiccup is probably just slept late last night, like sheesh" with that sentence he earned a glare from Astrid, shutting his mouth closed faster than lighting. When the gang reach Hiccup room, Astrid knocked, still nothing, so she opened the door and gasped. When the whole gang came in they had the same reaction too, Hiccup was on the floor, unconscious, breathing heavily and having a high fever. Toothless ran over and nudged his rider but all he got as a reply was silence, which made Toothless worry more, Astrid ran over and checked Hiccups pulse, it was still strong but weaker than normal, she sighed in relief, she put her hand on Hiccups forehead and looked up at the gang "He's got a fever. Fishlegs get two buckets, one empty and one filled with cold water also bring a cloth." Astrid ordered as Fishlegs nodded before leaving, Astrid looked at the twins and Snotlout "You guys go get Gobber, Gothi and Stoick" Astrid ordered, the twins nodded and ran off as Snotlout followed. Astrid smiled that everyone was following her orders but her smile faded when she heard Hiccup start coughing, before going limp again, Astrid looked at Toothless "Toothless help me get him into bed" Astrid asked as Toothless nodded. As Hiccup was placed in bed Astrid sat next to him, letting her fingers run thru Hiccups hair, Astrid smiled as she heard someone enter the room she looked to the door to find Fishlegs "I've got the empty bucket" Fishlegs told Astrid as he placed it next to her feet "and the cloth and bucket filled with water" Fishlegs said as he placed it next to Astrid feet and gave Astrid the cloth, Astrid nodded and thanked Fishlegs, she dipped the cloth in the cold water and took it out, squeezing the water out and placed it on Hiccups forehead making him shift in his sleep. Astrid looked at Fishlegs "Can you get some hot soup for when he awakes" Astrid asked as Fishlegs nodded and left, she looked at Hiccup already missing his forest green eyes, Astrid sighed as she looked thru the window getting lost in her own world. Toothless lied next to Hiccups bed watching his every move which really was just breathing, Toothless sighed and laid his head down, closing his eyes. Everything was quite until a groan was heard from Hiccup, his eyes fluttered open revealing his forest green eyes, Toothless head shot up as he walked to Hiccups side, Astrid snapped out of her little world and looked down at Hiccup with a smile "Hey there Hiccup, how you feeling" Astrid Asked, Hiccup sat up only to be pushed down by Astrid "Urgh, horrible" Hiccup answered as he looked at Astrid "Astrid, where's dad?" Hiccup asked "Uhhhh Stoick he's coming" Astrid replied as Hiccup nodded with a smile. Toothless cooned catching Hiccups attention "Hey there *cough* Toothless" Hiccup Said as he petted Toothless only to get a purr as a answer making the sick Viking chuckle. Astrid grabbed the cloth and socked it again before placing it on Hiccups forehead again, Hiccup looked at Astrid and smiled "When's dad coming?" Hiccup asked "He should be here by tomorrow" Astrid replied as Hiccup frowned "Why not now?" Hiccup asked "Because Stoick lives on Berk, far away from the Edge. Hiccup you know this" Astrid Said but the reply she got was not what she expected "WE DON'T LIVE ON BERK" Hiccup yelled sitting up, only to cough and fall off the bed, thankfully Toothless caught him and placed him back on bed, Astrid looked at Hiccup and nodded "Hiccup, we live on Dragons Edge, remember" Astrid Said as she made Hiccup lie down again before placing the cloth on his forehead, Hiccup looked at Astrid confused "What's Dragon Edge?"

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