15 with 20 and 20 with 15

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(RTTE, Heather is in the gang and DOB)

On Berk, Hiccup and the gang were training with trust, "The most important thing about training a dragon is gaining their trust. I trust Toothless with my life as he does the same" Hiccup said "Urgh, ok no one cares, just what's the training part of this" Snotlout asked, Hiccup smirked as Astrid frowned "Hiccup your smirking, everyone knows what happens when you smirk" Astrid said "Today's trust lesson is trusting that your dragon will catch you" Hiccup said before sliding off Toothless and falling towards the ocean, everyone gasped as Toothless dived down towards Hiccup, Hiccup smiled before a huge white light appeared, consuming the poor 15 year old whole. Toothless roared as he fell, Hookfang and Snotlout dove down and grabbed Toothless before flying to land, "What the hell happened, where's Hiccup?" Astrid yelled/asked as she jumped off Stormfly "Oh boy, he cant just disappear!" Fishlegs said "But did you see that light" Tuff said "Ya the light just came and boom Hiccups gone" Ruff said , Toothless gave a worried purr as he walked up to Astrid, Astrid looked down "Don't worry Toothless we'll find him" Astrid said as she petted Toothless. As the gang was discussing what just happened another light flashed in the place where Hiccup went missing, the gang ran to the edge to see a figure, bigger than Hiccups size falling fast towards the ocean but what they yelled surprised everyone "OH GOD, TOOTHLESS" older Hiccup yelled as he fell but he looked around and saw no one, he closed his eyes ready for impact when it never came. Older Hiccup opened his eyes to see that he was flying to land, when the dragon dropped him, older Hiccup got up and looked around only to see the gang but as 15 year old, that's when it hit him "uh oh" Older Hiccup mumbled. "Who are you and why did you yell Toothless's name?" Astrid asked as she took out her axe, pointing it at the older boy, older Hiccup backed away "Woah, Astrid, axe down" he said but she just frowned "HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME!?" She yelled/asked "Waoh ok, look I'll answer everything if I can see your chief" older Hiccup said, Astrid looked at him before going to the gang they talked before looking back up at older Hiccup, "Very well, follow me" Astrid said as she jumped on her dragon, Toothless hissed at the older Viking but when he turned to look at the dragon Toothless stopped and purred, Hiccup smiled that his dragon was able to know who he is even tho he was 5 years older. Hookfang grabbed Toothless and older Hiccup jumped on Stormfly, Astrid hissed at him before the gang flew off. After some looking around the gang found Stoick, they landed, Stoick smiled as he saw the gang and Toothless walk towards them but frowned when he couldn't see his son, "Where's Hiccup?" Stoick asked, the gang looked at each other and looked back at Stoick before Tuff said "He disappeared, like the huge massive light came and swallowed him whole" Tuff said, Stoick expression changed to worried "We'll have searc-" but he was cut off by none other than older Hiccup "That's not needed sir, Hiccup is fine where he is" he said as Astrid again brought her axe to his neck "Where is he!?" She asked but Stoick picked up the boy "Where is my son" Stoick said "Okay now I can see why everyone doesn't want to make you mad" older Hiccup said earning a punch in the chest by Stoick "Ow, dad sheesh" older Hiccup yelled as he stumbled back, Toothless helping him up "Thanks bud" he said as he turned to the gang, Stoick seemed more mad "Did you just call me dad! Only my son calls me that" He yelled as he walked up to Older Hiccup, "Please don't hurt me dad, it's your son but 5 years older" Older Hiccup yelled making everyone freeze "Oh thank god, cus he looked hot" Ruff mumbled. Stoick frowned "How is that possible?" He asked "I don't know, but ask me anything and I'll know" Older Hiccup said, Stoick stood back as Astrid asked the first question "What's my dragons name and what do I feed her?" She asked "Stormfly and chicken" Older Hiccup replied which shocked everyone, Snotlout went next "My name and dragons name?" He asked "Snotlout and Hookfang" older Hiccup replied as Snotlout frowned "Same here with us three" Fishlegs said as he pointed to himself and the twins "Our names and dragons names" he said, "Fishlegs and Meatlug and Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Barf and Blech" Older Hiccup answered "Very well then, how did my son lose his leg, what's his full name and my best friend" Stoick said, Older Hiccup smirked "I lost my leg when me and Toothless were fighting the Red Death, that dragon that I tried to warn you about but instead got disowned but you said sorry, my full name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock lll and your friend also my mentor is Gobber, none other than the meathead. And to make sure I'm Hiccup, Toothless lost his tail fin when I shot him down, and I lost my mom when I was a baby as she was taken away from us by a dragon" older Hiccup answered, the gang plus Stoick froze "It really is you" Astrid said, "Where's our Hiccup?" She asked "He's probably in my time zone, where all of you guys are older" older Hiccup answered, Stoick hugged him "You've grown, and even gotten some muscle" Stoick said, Older Hiccup nodded as the punch in the chest started taking effect as his vision blurred "Ya and your punch dad, is stronger than ever" was the last thing Hiccup said before passing out. The gang and Stoick all gasped as they took older Hiccup back home, letting him rest, Stoick went back to work, Toothless slept next to Hiccup and the gang were outside talking about the older Hiccup "Did anyone see how hot he is" Ruff said as everyone stared at her "I probably was way hotter than him when I grew up, and older Astrid would totally fall for me" Snotlout said, Astrid groaned "We can ask Older Hiccup later" Astrid said "Oooooo maybe in the future us discovered new dragons" Fishlegs said as the gang stared at him before they continued to talk, after sometime they checked on older Hiccup to find him awake and drawing, Hiccup turned to the gang and smiled, the gang walked in "I'm still not use to seeing the younger version of the gang" Hiccup chuckled, Gobber and Stoick walked in "Wow Stoick you really wasn't kidding" Gobber said as older Hiccup looked at him "Hey Hiccup, what happens in the future?" Astrid asked as she was still dieing inside that Hiccup looked this cute at 20 "Well we find lots of new dragons" Hiccup said which made Fishlegs excited "And enemies" Hiccup frowned as he mumbled, the gang, Toothless, Stoick and Gobber looked at older Hiccup "What type of enemies?" Stoick Asked, Hiccup looked up "The type that would so anything to win, even kill. Trust me I know, I almost got shot, kidnaped many times, to much to count an-" older Hiccup froze "Uh oh, 15 year old Hiccup is not safe, not safe at all" Hiccup Said as he grabbed some papers and began jotting things down, Stoick looked at the boy in worry "What do you mean our Hiccup isn't alright" Stoick boomed, Older Hiccup looked up at him "I mean, he could be in a life or death situation right now, and he won't know how to deal with it because he's not use to it like am" he said which made everyone gasp "What type of situation?" Astrid asked as Toothless was now listening in "Oh like getting kidnaped and tourchered, always on the run, oh did I mention a huge and I mean huge army coming towards you And THE LEADER IS ALWAYS ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOU SO YOU CANT FIGURE OUT WHAT MOVE YOU SHOULD DO WITHOUT HURTING YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!" Older Hiccup Said/yelled as he stood up and threw off all the papers on his desk before pushing past everyone and left the gang, Gobber, Stoick and Toothless shocked. The gang, Toothless, Stoick and Gobber ran out to find older Hiccup sitting at the edge of the cliff, Astrid was the first to talk "Hiccup-" she said But was cut off by Older Hiccup "I just wanna go back, I wanna see my friends and make sure their ok... I'm the leader, I should be there" Hiccup Said as Toothless nudged him worried, Stoick was about to speak but a white light appeared, swallowing Older Hiccup whole "What the" everyone yelled as another light appeared, but not where Older Hiccup disappeared but where he appeared, the team, Toothless, Gobber and Stoick all saw a small human falling "WHAT THE, NOT THE TYPR OF FREE FALLING I LIKE, TOOTHLESS!" he yelled, Toothless jumped off the cliff and caught the boy. When they landed Hiccup, yes THIER Hiccup jumped off "Hiccup" Astrid yelled and hugged Hiccup, Hiccup smiled and hugged back, when Astrid let go Hiccup collapsed but Toothless caught him, Stoick ran to Hiccup "Son are you ok!?" He asked "Oh ya, I'm fine, other than meeting the older versions of the gang, and Older Snotlout chasing me around the island, Older ruff and tuff trying to teach me the Loki way, Older Fishlegs exploding me with information, Older Heather screaming at me, Older Toothless becoming my mom, Dad who wanted father son time, and lastly older Astrid who was my other mom" Hiccup Said, everyone was shocked "I need to rest" Hiccup said before falling asleep instantly. Everyone stared at Hiccup, even Toothless before bursting into laughter, that was one heck of a day

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