
I rush up to the front desk of the prison, Namjoon and Jin trailed behind me. I could hear them whispering things about the situation but at the moment it was the least of my worries.

"Uh, miss, I'm-"

"Jung Hoseok, I know." The receptionist behind the counter had been replaced. There was now a woman I never seen before, yet she still knew my name. "You're here to see Jung Minyoung, is there an adult with you?"

"Yes." I gesture for Jin to come forward, and he did, but cautiously.


It was a long process to get through security, but me and Jin were finally escorted to the meeting room. Namjoon had to be left behind since only two people are allowed to visit a prisoner. I felt it would have been better if I went by myself, but I probably won't be allowed to slip through anymore now that the other officer is gone.

"Jin." The latter hummed at his name in response. I was completely terrified of Jin finding out my mom is in prison. I'm not sure why I'm so scared, but I am. "Jung Minyoung is who we're going to visit, Minyoung is-" I choked on my words.

I have to see her, but I'm afraid of what everyone else will think . I don't want anyone to think badly of my mother.

She's a good woman at heart, I know it.

We were lead into the meeting room. I took a seat at the bench like usual and Jin sat at the very end of the table. He didn't want to intrude anymore than he already has.

It only took a few seconds before my mother entered the room. Her path of vision went straight to Jin. She watched him as she sat down in front of me, putting her shackled hands on the table.

I went in to hold her hands, like I used to, but she flinched away and I was quick to take the hint.

She didn't speak a word, she only stared at me with intense, bruting eyes. I could feel the subtle hatred, but to me it was almost as intense as a surging flame.

She hates me.

"Sorry I'm late." I fiddled with my fingers, nervous as usual, but the anxiety strengthened with the presence of Jin.

"You shouldn't have come at all." She looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"I don't want to leave you all alone, I love you so I'll always be here for you." I smiled at her, she gave a quick glance back but remained silent.

I clenched my fist and my jaw tightened. It's been like this for ten years now. Why do I even try?

"I'll get out very soon, maybe in a month. Will you still be happy to see me then?"

I was a bit confused with my mother's question, I literally just said I'll always be here for her. Maybe she needs reassurance. "Of course I'll be happy, I'm always happy to see you."

I held her hand, surprised she didn't pull away immediately. Instead of hateful eyes, she look at me with sorrowful ones. "I'm sorry, I can't." She got up from her seat, looking back at the ward. "I'm done here, I want to go."

"Mom, wait-"

"Hoseok, I don't think you should see me anymore, for your own good. Focus on yourself, please."

I stood from my seat, I was never resentful of mother, but now she's upsetting me. "You abandoned me, blamed me for your own arrest, and now you're telling me to leave for self benefit? Is this for my own good, or is this because you're already sick of seeing me every week!?" I couldn't hold back anymore, she needs to know what she's done to me.

Cupid's Bow [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now