Grave Digger

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"Tsk tsk Cheryl, couldn't even remember to turnoff your loud ass ringtone" Claudius sneered.

Cheryl scoffed as brushed her arm as Claudius let go of her porcelain skin.

"Turn around and head that way" he ordered.

"And why should I?" She tested him.

"Because..." he trailed off, shoving the barrel of his pistol into the small of her back. She felt her breath hitch.

All was silent except the dragging of the body bag behind Claudius.

Cheryl would've been lying if she said she didn't think about making a run for it. But by the time she took three steps, Claudius would e shot her square in the back.

She just hoped Toni was smart enough to come and help her. But she mostly hoped Toni was smart enough to bring help.

Claudius is a bigger man and even the two teenage girls couldn't take them on by themselves. Both the girls had smaller frames and were more petite for their age.

Toni liked her girls petite.

"Stop here" Claudius ordered from behind her. Cheryl nodded and stopped walking. "Dig"

"With what?" She asked. "My hands?" She asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Now is not the time to get sarcastic Cheryl, maybe you didn't notice but your fragile, stupid little life is on the line" his teeth were gritted together.

Claudius chucked a shovel on the ground next to her feet.

"Dig" he ordered her again.

She picked up the shovel and started digging.

Once she finished, there was a whole big enough to fit a body in.

"Who's in the body bag?" Cheryl asked. Claudius spit on the ground and stared at her.

"Take a look if you'd like" he smirked.

Cheryl hesitated as she reached for the bag. She pulled down the zipper then fell back, screaming, landing right in the grave she had just dug.

It was the dead, pale face of Chic Cooper. Or the imposter of him.

That could only mean one thing.

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