Sweet Pea

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"I know I now have to get rid of you Cheryl, now that you know I'm the blackhood" Claudius pointed out. "Or should I say, one of them"

Cheryl was still lying in the grave, dirty sneered on her as it began to pour rain. The dirt soon turned to mud. The grave was slowly filling with water and mud, and her dress and robe was weighing her down. Claudius suddenly grabbed the body bag and chucked it on top of Cheryl.

Her scream pierced the dark night as the dead body of Chic Cooper landed on her feeble frame. It knocked the wind out of her.

She gasped for air, looking up into the face of Claudius as he pointed the gun down at her, aiming at her face.

She closed her eyes and waited for the bullet, but it never came. Instead she heard a large smack. Her eyes snapped open to the sight of Claudius falling to the ground, Sweet Pea standing behind him, holding a shovel in his hands.

He reached a hand out, Cheryl grabbed it quickly and he pulled her out of the grave as she pushed Chic's body to the side. He killed her into a hug.

"Thank you so much" she whispered.

"No problem Red" he said. He let go of her.

Cheryl saw Toni behind him. She rushed to her and began kissing her.

"I'm so glad we made it in time"Toni said. "But let's reminisce later, we need to get out of here. Sweet Pea, call sheriff Keller and tell him to get over here pronto"

Sweet Pea nodded. He picked the gun off the ground that Claudius had been pointing at Cheryl. "I'll stay here until Keller gets here. I'm gonna make sure he doesn't run off or anything"

"Good idea, I'm gonna start Cheryl out of here, can I borrow the motorcycle?" Toni asked.

"Of course, but he careful with her. Jig head will have my head if he sees a scratch on her"

Toni nodded and took Cheryl's hand, leading her to the motorcycle. They each put on a helmet and hopped on, driving off towards Toni's house.

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