It's been a while since i last visited them..

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It's been a while and now ace is apart of whitebeards crew...I'm thinking about visiting them...well more of visit ace and not really them...I'm kinda thinking about doing it while shanks also visits that will be a sight to see...though i think I'll do it without shanks visiting's also been a while since i last visited luffy...though he's already 17 now and started going around to get his own crew members...he's already got zoro...and he's going to go get his cook after a little while longer..hmm...oh yeah...whitebeards cook is probably going to die i guess i should go visit ace in a day or two to check on him and if anything was wrong and all...i am so lucky that i was able to get some common sense into him so he won't immediately want to fight someone and all like that marine guy after he insults that war...ugh I'm bad at remembering stuff..

I forgot his name...oh well...he's not really important unlike my family and their crew or shanks and mihawk...and luffy allies in the law...and cora-san...oh woops did i forget to say that i saved his life and was able to reunite them well somewhat reunite them as law saw that cora-san was alright and came back...Oh well i guess i ruined the surprise. I guess I'll do a flashback about them later...after all i am changing history to suit my family and their friends needs and all...hmmm...i wonder what everyone's reactions are going to be if they find out who i truly my uncle is Garp D monkey, my cousin is dragon D monkey, and ace and luffy d portgas/monkey..and to who my friends are...oh well i doubt they will find out unless one of my family or myself tells it or someone from the marine looked really deep into my I'll face it when the time comes...but i wonder what the others would think or say to find out my other friends besides shanks and mihawk...oh well i guess it's flashback time..

~flashback to when cora-san was shot...not!~

Well i guess I'm glad i came early...early enough that i got here before the pink guy shoots his younger brother...after he started shooting, i used one of my powers, i made it seem like cora-san was shot a lot and fell. In reality, he was perfectly fine, i also got rid of the bullets. Then the pink guy allies came and started grabbing the chests and walking away. I grabbed cora-san before he could do anything stupid. I saw the lid of one of the chest open and little law peeks out, i only dropped the illusion for law so he saw that cora-san was alright. After a few minutes i heard or more like i saw law coming in this direction. I smiled in relief that he actually made it all the way here. He saw cora-san and immediately ran over to him and started hugging cora-san and didn't let go. So cora-san ended up picking law up.

"Who are you?" cora-san asked me with a curious look. "I'm buggy the clown, and your welcome for saving your life and we got to go before anyone notices us." i said as i grabbed cora-san hand and started moving in a direction. Then i teleported away from that place and to my ship. Cora-san immediately almost fell if it wasn't for me as i grabbed onto him and made him sit. He looked a little ill from teleporting..."Now your on my ship. I'll let you off at an island." i said as i began to go and give my crew orders to an island where law met his first crew mate...bepo i think was his name...and penguin and shachi...i didn't like how cora-san and some others died before they were supposed to...oh i guess i forgot to mention i can see how many years left most people should live.

I can also change it so they live longer or shorter...i guess that is a scary power but most people i don't really care about...unless it's family or friends and others...but i am quite fond of children..they are i make sure they live long lives and all...the only ones i won't change or make their lives shorter are those who don't deserve to live..but even then i won't really mess with that unless they threaten family or friends and their allies...or something similar...

~end of flashback~

Woops i was having a flashback longer then i thought and it went pass after saving cora-san...oh well...i then ordered my crew to stop somewhere close to whitebeard. I walked to where whitebeard had stopped his huge ass ship of his...woops sorry for cursing but man his ship is big...especially in person...i walked onto the ship with my haki spreading out to feel theirs. A lot fainted from that..sorry random people who fainted from my haki. "It's been a while buggy...what made you come visit?" whitebeard asked me. I look around briefly. "I'm looking for someone...i know he joined you crew a while back's been a while since i last seen him..." i said as i began looking whitebeard's cook is still now i don't really have to worry about ace leaving without his adoptive family..yet..

"Who are you looking for?" whitebeard asked with a curious look in his eye's. Before i could answer, the person i was looking for comes walking out. Ace looks around curiously and confused. That is until he saw me, a big smile crosses his face and he quickly makes his way towards me. I let a smile cross my face as ace gives me a big hug. I hug back before letting go and answered whitebeard question. "I was looking for ace." i said. Everyone that was still awake looked confusion and a little worried. "Buggy how have you been? I haven't seen you since before i ended up on pops ship." ace asks me still smiling. "I've been good, so how have whitebeard and the others been treating you?" i ask him. "It's been great, how are the others?" ace asked me. "Ah they are doing great." i said.

"Really? That's great! So when are you going to visit again?" ace asked me with curiosity shining in his eye's. "Hmm..don't know...I'll know when it's time so wait patiently until then, ok?" i said. Ace looked annoyed for a second, "you always say that buggy..." ace said. "Well you know me ace. I do things at my own pace. Or whenever i want really..." i said. Then i noticed the time and it's been about three hours..woops looks like i lost track of time..ugh i gotta go...i looked at ace with a certain look and he understood what i was trying to say. "Awww your leaving already? Well then see you later buggy..don't forget to call me, you hear me buggy?" ace said to me as i got up from sitting down. "Yeah i will..see you later ace!" i said as i started leaving..i also heard ace adoptive brothers question how ace knew me and all.

I chuckled and wondered what ace will say...oh well i guess i should get some sleep before my next i went to my room on my ship as they began to set out. I then closed my door after walking in and changed into comfortable clothes and laid down and covered myself a little. Then i slowly fell asleep.

Finished! Finally! The words it is currently at is 1356 and now more. I'm going to see it i can update my other stories before checking to see it i can or should make another chapter since I'm surprised that i lasted this long on one story and not switching at all. Well hope you like it and ja ne~!

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