thinking and the flamboyant-no flamingo-doflamingo

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After i started the journey again after gaining another crew member, i then realized that soon luffy will be heading out on an adventure and gain his crew and then become pirate king. I smiled at that thought, i can't wait to see or hear it when it happens. I say give him another year before he turns 17 and then head off. I'm going to visit him soon and around his birthday as well. Though one thing that kinda worry's me is the pink flamboyant flamingo...oh I'm sorry i meant the-no wait a minute...i figure i shouldn't call him pink guy to his face...again...what happened that one time was awesome and hilarious. Mostly because i wasn't the one to get embarrassed or anything at the end. I can still remember it like yesterday...

~small flashback~

I was walking around on dressrosa...i think that's what it is called...then i ran into a pink flamingo. Oh i mean doflamingo...did i say his name correctly? Oh well if i didn't...I'll just call him the pink flamingo.."oh what do we have here?" the pink flamingo said. "Call me buggy if you want to know...and you are?" i said. I did know who the pink flamingo is but do i have to say i heard of him? Nah i want to piss him off a bit...he frowns for a spilt second before his usual smile is back. "I'm doflamingo." he said. "Oh so your the pink flamingo I've been hearing about?" i said and i noticed he was starting to get mad. I felt amused, "oh? And who has been calling me that?" he said with a hint of anger. "Oh no one was calling you that...besides me of course..because you wear pink, and you have flamingo in your name. It Was the easiest thing to memorize then you actual name.." i said and took off as i saw that look that made me think he was about to try and kill me or something.

I started running away from him, i looked back to see him following me. Then i saw a cake...i looked back and threw it in his face..Ok yes i threw a cake in the flamingos face but he deserved it! Even though he is now chasing me...i began grabbing things and throwing it at him. I saw a few people began to take pictures of me throwing random things at the pink flamingo and that the flamingo had things covering him like cake and all sorts of things...i hope that gets out on the news! I can't wait to see family and friends reactions to this! It's going to be awesome and hilarious!

~end of flashback~

Yeah and that's how i meet the pink flamingo...yeah...though i will probably be running a lot when i see him...though he can't really hurt me...ah the perks of having so many devil fruit powers in oneself...that and overprotective family and yeah...either way he wants hurt me or try to because of my friends and family...and my devil fruit of course...but it sure was hilarious to throw that cake in his face! You should have seen how many people were laughing at him as he chased me and i threw the cake in his face...along with other things...but still very amusing...though i wonder if this changes things? I've met mihawk and befriended him, i was born, my family is even more closer then in the anime, i found another who is similar to me, my crew are stronger then their anime selves, that ace, luffy, sabo are still somewhat together bit sabo still kinda joined Luffy's father..

..that i met the pink flamingo when I'm pretty sure the buggy from the anime never did but then again it's been a long while since I've the actual anime and i might not remember everything clearly...that I'm a lot stronger then my anime self, I'm still friends with shanks, i still keep up with my old crew that belonged to roger, i also made friends in very high and low places, that i have many devil fruit powers in one devil fruit, that I'm garps nephew, that garp and ace's mom even had siblings...and everything else i can't think of yet...will it all stay the same? I know some things have changed and all but...what will stay the same? Will luffy still have his crew? Will he even he stronger like he did in the future after his brothers death? Will the marines even try and execute ace? Will whitebeard go to war with the marines? Or will they try to execute someone else? Will it be luffy then if that were to happen? Or will it be sabo? Or someone i know or even me? Who will all be involved in the war then? If there is a war...

Will my true identity be revealed? Will they try and capture me when the find out who i am? Or who my old crew was? That shanks and mihawk are my friends? Or that I'm related to dragon, garp, luffy, and ace? That i adopted sabo into the family? If then find that part out...or anything else really about me...or if the find out...that secret of mine...yikes...i really hope they don't find out...but it belongs to one of my devil fruit powers...that one is what i call random random fruit...mostly because it randomly gives me a power when i use it, including seeing into the future...though it isn't often that i actually see into the future...I've only done it four times out of how many times I've used that power...i say I've used it at least 100 times and I've only ever seen into the future four yeah...

Rarely will i ever see into the future, it only happens when i actually need that one time i used it and saw the future of my crew being killed and so i stayed with them and took out those who were supposed to kill my crew...or that other time when i suddenly left for that one island because i saw it's destruction and i prevented it. many things to think about and not enough time to sort through it all and try to find the answers...then i suddenly felt's the pink flamboyant flamingo! Why i can't he leave me alone to try and finish my thinking? So i turn to look at him, he had an angry look on his face. I chuckle nervously, "so...your not still mad that i called you pink flamingo or that i threw i cake in you face along with other things...are you?" i said uncomfortable by his preicing stare. "What do you think?" the flamingo said. "Huh...that your still angry with me?" i said questionably and started backing away from the angry flamingo before i made a break for it. I heard him run after me and I started throwing things back there again...including the cake throw. I probably just made him even madder by that but oh well. What can I do about that?

I really like to piss him off, especially since his anime version killed cora-san and cora-san was one if my favorite characters in that anime. So yeah I'm going to do everything in my power to piss him off. Even though i saved cora-san here, I'm still angry that he tried to kill his own younger brother...older siblings are supposed to protect their younger siblings are they not? That and i was and still am an older sibling...i was an older sibling of two, one sister and one brother. My brother was the youngest, i was a middle child. In this life, i have cousins who i think of as my brothers along with to me I'm still an older yeah...of course i would be angry with the flamboyant i do enjoy pissing him off...i can't want to be there and see law blackmail him and then tell them i threw a cake into his face after i made sure he heard my voice and hang up on him! Ok maybe I'm to excited about that but i can't help it! I want to see it! I can imagine it but will he actually have that expression on his face?

Then i escaped from the flamingo and went back to my ship and headed off. I ordered my crew to head back to home and they got excited, they had wanted to see luffy again and talk to him since i told my crew about him a while back when they asked me. They are my nakama, family to me as my actual family or like sabo who i adopted as a brother...i then went into my room and started writing in my journal, after about a few hours of writing, i closed it and put it in it's hiding spot. I then took a shower, changed into bed clothes, i then lay down on my bed, covering myself with two blankets. I shifted around for the next hour, trying to get comfortable, after a while, i finally got comfortable enough that i started to fall asleep. A few minutes and i finally fell fully asleep.

Finally i finished! I worked really hard on this, especially since someone asked me for an update. If someone asks me for an update on any of my stories, i will give it my all before i even try to give up and think for a long while before i get an idea for it. Well until next time...ja ne~!

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