reaction to why buggy got a new bounty a while back...

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~garps pov~
I was messing with senny like i usually do when the news came in. My jaw dropped for a few seconds before i started laughing. "This is no laughing matter garp! This pirate was able to escape from doflamingo!" senny said as i continued to laugh. Ha! That's my nephew! What a way to mess with someone and escape without getting injured! Though i guess this means I'll have to pay a visit to my nephew soon.

~aces pov~ 
I saw the news came in and i eagerly grabbed it, i wanted to see if anything new came up, especially with my cousin rai. My eyes widen with surprise and shock before i burst out laughing. I felt my crew look at me confused because they haven't seen the news yet. My cousin..pfft haha... Escaped doflamingo after insulting him, threw cake in his face, and some other things...and they were at doflamingos place too! Haha...i continued to laugh as my crew mates decided to look at the news as well, some of them started laughing too... And oh marco don't think i didn't see that smile and shaking shoulders as you tried to stay the responsible one and not laugh. I thought as i got lost in laughing.

~luffys pov~ 
I looked at the news, wow rai sure showed that guy and i started laughing. I then went to show dadan and the others the news.

~sabos pov~
Pfft...i can't believe rai actually did that! Well actually i can..that's just like rai to do things like this...maybe i should show dragon the news...unless he already got it that is..

~dragons pov~
I looked at the news..ah..rai, that is just like you to do this to someone like him...though i wonder what you did to escape him..

~shanks pov~
I burst out laughing, rai, i can't believe you did that! Aw man..i wished i was there to see it all..maybe rai took pictures?

~no bodies pov~
Everyone else was looking at the new bounty of buggy.

                   dead or alive                    Buggy                    600,000,000

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                   dead or alive

Sorry it's really short, i just wanted to put the reactions of those closest to rai even if its not that much or long..well until next time..ja ne~!

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