visiting with shanks...and mihawk..

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It was time to visit shanks and mihawk again. I let out a sigh, they are a bit overprotective at times.. Especially if they think something might have happened to me. Them both, my family, and close nakama are the only ones who know my true name so far..i know when it comes to the war with the marines, my name might be revealed...which i don't mind because i get to scare quite a bit of people by who I'm related to, who are related to me, and I'm really powerful.

I grinned, i can't wait to see their expressions and take pictures of it to and make copies, then i will see to it that they will never try to harm my family or nakama ever again and their expressions will be hilarious..ah i can see it now..people buying pictures of marines shocked, horror, and terrified expressions. That is what amuses me the most...I can't wait to see their expressions! I think it will be even more hilarious in person then just imagining it.. oh can also be blackmail, but it depends if they care that everyone will see their expression at hearing my name or not.

I wonder how everyone else will react..I grinned at that thought.

I felt very amused and I can't wait to see Akainu suffer...then I thought about my cousins. I wonder how they are doing right now? I thought as I stared out at the sea. I'm just waiting now for Mihawk and shanks to show up. It's that time were we are visit each other again. So I just have to wait for a little longer until they are here. Ah I sense them, that means that they are about a few miles away. Ok that just mean I have to wait for another few minutes then. I thought as I grabbed a book and started to read As I waited for them to get here.

A few minutes into the book and I Sensed that they were right besides me. I stopped reading my book, I then looked up and smiled, "it's been a while... shanks and Mihawk." I said as shanks grinned at me and Mihawk had his usual expression. "Heya rai, how have you been lately?" shanks asked me grinning widely. "I'm fine." I said. I looked at mihawk who looked back at me for a few seconds. We both looked away at the same time, coming to an understanding that we both are alright.

"So how have things been lately? Do you think anything is going to happen soon?" I asked them a bit serious. I know a lot of things, even more then other people, but it is good to hear things I already know because that means I didn't really miss any important detail that I might need to know about soon.

They both frowned in thought, or in mihawk's case, moving his eyebrows down a little bit. They both replied negative. So they didn't know anything new, I almost felt like sulking a bit but I didn't. "So you still up to getting any knowledge no matter how useless it might seem to other people rai?" Shanks said amused. I nodded in thought, of course, no matter what information that might seem useless can always come in handy later. I learned that in my first life and of course I would continue to do it even in my second life.

It is a good habit to have at any time because one day you might need knowledge that was once useless but now has value..or something very similar to that. It might never happen or rarely happen, but it is good to know no matter how useless it might be. Because nothing is ever truly worthless no matter how people see it or them that way.

But it is alright..I will find the information I will need sooner or later...I just prefer it to be sooner then later as it could save a has happened before so why not know? Ah I should probably be talking to shanks and mihawk now..Then I focused back out of my thinking, I looked at shanks and mihawk. "You of these days we should spar..we can't do it now since it will cause a mayhem with certain people. But maybe later where we are far enough that no one will feel us or see us. But I know we will have a full on spar between the three of us. So what do you both think about that?" I said.

Shanks grinned with excitement at the idea of a full on spar with all three of us. Mihawk just looked at me but I already knew that he was looking forward to the spar as well, I can tell because I've had many years to practice on knowing what he wants or something like that.. I know he is looking forward to that spar one day. I grin, excited at the thought of sparring with my two friends and equals. I then looked out at sea, my grin turning a bit dark as I thought about that marine. I want to see him suffer but I might have to make his death quick and painful so he doesn't get the chance to harm any of mine.. he will never have the chance to ever again when the war approaches...

I let my expression go blank for a second before I smile and turn to face shanks and Mihawk. "Say what do you think they are doing now?" I asked them and they knew immediately who I was talking about. "Hmm who could be anything with them..they do cause quite a bit of mayhem lately." Shanks answered back.

Mihawk didn't say anything but I didn't except him to. He's always quite in words but his body expression says it all. I got good at reading body language after a while with people that don't like to talk and all. I did learn from the best in my first life from Ravi...he didn't like to talk most of the time and I had to get use to reading his expression in body language and the look in his eyes.. yes I do believe that Luffy will cause chaos where ever he goes but combine that with Sabo, ace, and the rest of the family?

Oh yeah that will definitely be a lot of chaos to go by sooner or later.. I can't wait to find out what it will be too...maybe it will be during the war and maybe I can get dragon to come to the war as well...we are cousins and Luffy, ace, and uncle Garp will be there..and I'm pretty sure Sabo will sneak out to the war when he hears who is going to get yeah I think I might be able to get dragon to come... I can't wait to see their expressions when the realized that it was practically a family reunion at a war and that quite a few famous or infamous people will be there going against them..

Ha I can just see it now.. I thought grinning at the thought of their expressions... I am so going to take pictures and make copies to then after a few more hours, shanks and Mihawk left. I told them "see you another time!" As they left, I smiled happily as I went to my room. I did my usual thing before I went to bed. I got into my bed and fell asleep dreaming about the future and how it will be like then...

I finally finished with 1304 words right now..yay! I finally get to update this might take awhile for an update unless I make the chapters a bit short...I might do that until a certain chapter but I'll think about it..until then...ja ne~!

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