ace is offically captured!

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I looked at the news, ah ace is captured...i frown, i wonder how that happened since i killed teach when he almost killed thatch... I also knew he was visiting his brother luffy, i look around but it doesn't say who captured ace..well d*** that means i can't tell which person i might have to kill...ah i guess i should prepare my crew to getting stronger and faster.. I wonder if i should let a marine capture me so I'll get sent to Impel will be a faster way to reach ace but in the anime luffy never made it to his brother because ace was taken by the marines to their home base. So i guess i might not let anyone capture me.. I might be able to sneak down there without anyone noticing but it will take us too long to get there..

Which is a problem I guess war with the marines might be my only how should i do this? I got to make sure just about all the whitebeard pirates come out alive along with ace.

Maybe i should leave my crew here? But then they will keep asking me to take them with me because I'm their captain and all...

Hmm...oh i could continue to use heal on my allies in this will put a slight strain on my body but i can handle it, i use to do this when i was on rogers crew, mostly for those more injured and shanks.

Yes..that should work, i can also maybe help whitebeard live for at least another 20 years if i do it alright..especially when i plan to take the years away from akainu, i don't like him..he killed ace.. But i will stop that. I will have to do this at the last few seconds as he his going to try to kill luffy but ace protected him. I will be right there, in front of akainu, taking his life and his years that he has left to live if he were to do things right but he won't do it right and is now my top enemy to face and kill before he can kill one of my family.

Ace..luffy... Dragon.. garp...are my family... The only ones that are related to me by blood, i love them as any family member would, i would kill anyone who hurt any of them...i already knew this war was going to happen sooner or later but ace and luffy aren't allowed to die..not on my watch...they will survive and live because i will do everything in my power to keep them alive.

No one is allowed to even try to take my families lives..if they dare try..well.. That just adds another live taken away...

Ah..i wonder how the rest are reacting to this..and knowing shanks.. He will also try to save ace even without knowing that ace is captain rogers son..i honesty forgot to tell him.. Hm..did i ever get around to telling them both that ace is my cousin?

Ah..oh well.. I'll tell them later.. if I haven't already told them since I forgot if I told them or not and If the marines don't reveal it themselves of course.. haha I can't wait to see their expressions!

It will be hilarious and even more so when I sell those pictures of them reacting to my heritage. I grin darkly, some of those marines are going to suffer..mostly Akainu though, because he is the one that killed ace in the episode and god did I not like that part in that episode. Well it's time to prepare for a war then, I thought as I started making calls to some certain people.

After I finished with calling them, I started training my crew and myself.

Then when I knew I was stronger then anyone that was going to be there at marine-ford except maybe a certain few people. I looked at my crew, "ok now I want you all to go to shanks island and stay hidden for a while and train yourselves like I did today. Do you understand?" I asked them. They all had dismay on their faces, "but captain why can't we go with you?" They asked.

"Because as of right now you aren't strong enough to handle even my uncle who will be fighting there let alone the fleet admiral or a admiral just yet. So I don't want you fighting in this war because I don't want any of you to get hurt let alone die because you weren't fast enough or strong even to protect yourselves." I told them seriously.

They looked ready to argue with me before resigned expressions appeared on their faces since they know they can't win in arguing with me since I do have good points. "Alright captain but be careful an stay safe." Said cabaji.

I nodded as I left them as I knew they would make it there since they are strong enough for those waters but not strong enough to for certain marine individuals. I held a frown, I wonder if it was alright to send him to Impel Down?

I figured that Luffy would need all the help he could get since I did check in that place and found that Luffy was going to be sneaking in, I already asked ace if he wanted me to free him there or wait until marine-ford to free him.

He told me the second one because he said the one who captured him would be there and he could take them out instead of leaving them alive to capture any of his family or friends. I agreed to that because that means I can take out certain people that are marines.

I held a frown as a thoughtful look appeared in my eyes and I thought back to my call with shanks earlier today. He told me he would be there as fast as he can after he deals with someone trying to take over whitebeards territory.

I was alright with that because  I knew that happened and Whitebeard was already on his way with his allies. I was by myself as I headed there and I know Luffy will show up with at some point during the war.

Now all I have to do is make my way close enough, train for a bit, rest, and wait for the rest to get here as I sneak into marine-ford once again. I held back a grin, no one knows that I sneak into marine-ford or Impel Down's my secret that I might expose myself when the time comes... I let my grin show, promising of pain to certain individuals came showing in my eyes as I looked at marine-ford. I think I should take a nap before doing anything, since I will be probably waiting for a while as well... I thought as I climbed a tree and got comfortable. I then fell asleep.

I finally finished this chapter with about 1205 words now! I hope you all like and enjoy this story and comment if you want. Tell me what you all think about this chapter, I hope it was alright and until next time..
Ja ne~!

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