Me and my crew...

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I was awake this time, i looked around to see where we were...of's this place..."Crew! Straight ahead! Mohji, Cabaji! Richie! Come with me!" i yelled as i spotted that island...i started walking forward as we finally stopped at the island. I heard mohji and cabaji along with richie. I walked around for a while, looking carefully. I know it's here at this island, i put them here years ago before my old captain died after finding them. I'm not sure if their still here i got to be careful, especially with my crew right now. I paused and listened for a while to what i can hear. I hear the usual whisperings, nothing to unusual about that. I heard welcome back, we missed you, finally your here, all at once, ugh, please talk a little slower. Oh yeah did i forget to mention that i can hear nature talk? Like animals, trees, plants, and all? No? Oh well i just mentioned it then. Then i started walking in one direction, listening, i knew those three were still following me because of their steps.

Now...where did i put them? I guess someone might be wondering, who or what is them? Well... them... their... to explain this... them.. are...oh man i don't think I'm wording this let's see...they are...friends...of some sort...i guess people could say that...oh well, yeah their kinda like that but many many years ago, when i was about 15 or so, i found them on the verge of dying kinda of injured thing...i didn't really know who they were at that time but i put them into a healing status. They've been unconscious every since...or so..yeah i check on them every once and a while...i use to check once every three weeks but it's still been years since then and they were still unconscious and i check once a month now...i don't remember seeing them in the actual anime though...are Or are they like me? Reborn into this world...I'm not really sure...but i still kept them in a healing status...

I'm not sure if they changed a little, since i checked last month, they were around 85% healed but still needed more time and all. So i decided the day of this month to check on them. The healing status might go away after they are fully healed. Which is why I'm here on this day, soon they'll either fully heal or I'll have to wait a little longer. I have my friends move them every now and then just in case something where to happen. So first I'm following where they tell me to go to find them. After a few minutes, i reach the area. I saw them and walked over to check on them and see how much they healed. Wow, almost fully healed, maybe we should stay a little longer so we can be there when they wake up? "So uh you even know who your healing?" cabaji asked me. "Nope." i responded cheerfully. "Really captain? Just really? After all those years of healing him and visiting, you still don't know who he is?" Mohji said. "Still nope, i haven't found anything about him yet..." i said as those two exchanged looks, since it's very rare that i don't find anything about anyone, i usually at least find one thing about them but i haven't really so far.

I mean it's not like i didn't try, i tried enough that i broke into the marine headquarters and looked it up and that is hard for anyone but me. Which i found amusing and all. So i sat down and waited. The other three sat down along with me, waiting with me. After a few minutes of healing, he was fully healed and my healing status disappeared. A few moments later and he woke up. "W-Where am i?" he asked confused and started sitting up. "Well your in my forrest." i said. He looks at me, then surprise flashes on his face, along with recognition. Ohh so he might be like me after all.."mohji, cabaji, and richie, leave me for a few." i said and they hesitate for a few seconds, worried for me before they left back to the ship. " know who i am?" i questioned with a slight smile on my face.

He hesitated for a second before nodding, "may i ask who you are? Since i couldn't find anything about you and all. I even broke into the marine headquarters but still nothing." i said. A hint of surprise flashes on his face after i said that. "You broke into marine headquarters?! But you nev- nevermind..." he said as he realized his mistake a second to late. I never broke into marine headquarters...well duh, other buggy wouldn't but i would. I don't like not knowing something, I'm kinda like viper from hitman reborn...kinda..." you are from that world...were you reborn? Transported here perhaps..." i said with interest. "Wait you..know about that?" he said shocked. "Of course, i was reborn as this person...though buggy is not my real name." i said as he looked further shocked.

"What? Really?! That means I'm not alone anymore!" he shouted in joy. "Ok but which one are you? Reborn or...?" i said. "Oh i was transported here. My name is toshiro...yeah i parents named me after toshiro from bleach..." he said. Ok so i know which one and should try and adjust since he won't be like the others from this world...i guess I'll have to teach him enough for him to survive on his own if something where to happen and he was separated from me and my crew. I've also been training my crew as they are stronger by the time luffy finds the one piece or set sail. "Ok..i guess I'll have to train you just in case. Now let's head back to my ship." i said as he looked surprised but also hopeful. I smiled a little as we headed back to my ship...i wonder how ace is doing since i left him to deal with his crew...

~ace pov after raiden/buggy left~

They stared at me...damn it rai, leaving it to me to explain..but...they are my crew and second family...i guess i should tell them the truth...rai knows i won't unless i trust them really them..."so...who do you know buggy?" one of the crew members asked but i didn't see who.."yeah how do you know him?" and others stated to ask the same question until-"Be quite yoi, let him speak." marco said. Thank you marco! Your a live saver! "well..r-buggy is... my cousin..." i said uncomfortable.. one second goes by...then two..then three...then four...then-"WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BUGGY'S YOUR COUSIN!?" they all shouted at them same time except for pops and marco who both look equally surprised at that. They stared at me some more. "Well..his mom..and my mom were sisters..." i said and looked away and ignored them the rest of the day..wondering how raiden is doing.

~raiden/buggy pov again~

Hmm...wonder how he's handling whatever is happening right now.. Oh well...i got a new crew mate to introduce to mine. When we got there, i introduce them and they got along really well. I smiled and headed towards my room after being out here long enough that most already fell asleep. But first i get out planets and cover everyone. Then i went to my room and went to bed.

Finished! Finally! Only reason why I'm updating is because someone asked me to...i think it was luci with numbers in the name...oh well...until next time! Ja ne~!

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