Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Warning: Dark content, and violence

Tate POV

3 days earlier...

He took Leah to the cabin, the one he had brought Violet to only hours ago. He couldn’t stop himself from feeling excitement, the thought of hurting Leah made him elated, especially after all the shit she has done to Violet. He walked her to one of the vacant rooms of the cabin.

“ew, what is this fucking place?...and why did you bring me here?” She complained, he gave her a smirk and then grinned widely at her. She smirked, then walked closer to where he was standing.”What?”she asked.

He didn’t respond just walk up to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, smile never leaving his face. He lowered his head and just as she was about to lean in for a kiss, he flipped her around by the arm and pushed her up against a wall.

“What the fuck, Tate?!” She struggled to get out of his grip. He gripped her arm tighter against her back.

“I told you to leave her alone” he swung her to the ground. She hit the floor hard with thump. “and now you have to pay for what you did!”

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" yelled from the floor. He fought the urge to kill her right there and then.

"you know exactly who i'm talking about!"

"Tate, I'm sorry...I...I-"

"I don't care what you have to say!" He walked over and stood above her, he grabbed her from the hair and pulled her close to his face. "don't worry you dumb bitch, I'm not going to kill you" he threw her head back against the floor "but you will eventually die" he laughed, walking over to a small table that was placed in the corner of the room.

He had a black duffle bag laying on top, he unzipped it and took out a piece of rope. When he turned around and saw Leah running towards the door, but before she could get passed it he ran over and blocked her way.

He let out a manical laugh."You think you could get away that easily"

Walking back to the corner of the room, he grabbed both of her hands and placed them behind her. He wrapped the rope tightly around her wrist, almost making the her blood curculation stop.

"Please, Tate just let me go" She was begging, her eyes were pleading, but he felt no mersy on her. Tears ran down her face. "please...I..I promise I won't do it again, please just let me go"

He stood in front of her, and stared in her eyes. He was really enjoying this moment. He grinned. "It's too late for that now" he said. She let out a whimper.

Just as he was about to reach for her feet and tie them up as well, he felt something hit against his groin. He doubled to the floor in pain. He looked up to see that Leah was running out of the room, hands still tied behind her back.

"Fucking bitch, come back here!" He yelled after her, he slowly rose up to his feet, but stumbled back to the floor once the pain hit him again. In one last attempt he stood up and headed torward the door.

It was dark outside, the only light illuminating his sight was the moon. The trees casted tall shodows all around him."Where are you?!" he yelled and it echoed into the darkness. 'She couldn't have gone far, she still had her hands tied' he thought to himself. He perked his ears a bit to listen for any movement.

After a few seconds he heard what sounded liked a whimper coming from behind a tree. His black combat boots lurked forwards, crushing the dry leaves that littered the ground. His foot falls, heavy. He reached behind the tree and saw her crounched up on the ground, hugging her knees.

He bent down, gripped her hair in his hands. Her eyes fluttered open followed by a gasp. She had fear written all over her face. He took her back into the cabin and locked the door.

"You know, I said I wasn't going to kill you, but after this your making me have second thoughts" he said circling around her.

"please, no, Tate!" she pleaded, her face was red and strands of her were stuck on her face.

He tied her feet even tighter than her hands and walked out of the room without another word.

"Don't leave me here, Tate!"


This story is going to get darker. Like Briarcliff dark. Haha. I'm still debating on wether I should kill Leah off or not. Please tell me what you think I should do, it will really help!

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