Chapter 6

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Tate POV

I walked along the hall quietly. I could hear it clearly now.

"And I'm the one with no soul,

One above and one below

Might last a day,

Mine is forever,

Might last a day,

Mine is forever

When they get, what they want

They never want it again

When they get, What they want

They never want it again

go on take everything, take everything, I want you to"

I reached a door at the end and peaked my head in a little. There before me was the most angelic thing that could ever be, her. She looked so beautiful layed there on her rug, haired spaned on the floor and the way her lips moved to the lyrics. She was stunning, but then I saw her forehead. You could faintly see a bruise starting to form. All memories of what happened early came rushing back. I felt a sudden anger fill up my body. She didn't deserve this, nobody did. Leah will pay and I make sure she suffers.

I would've secretly kept on watching her, but me being, well, me, clumsily tripped on my own foot and fell hard on the floor. She sat up and bursted out laughing. I smiled, hearing that made me proud I was the cause of her laughter. I slowly got up and brushed myself off. Her face suddenly turned serious and I frowned.

"How'd you get in here?" She asked and I suddenly froze. Then it hit me hard. She's my therapist daughter! Well, fuck. Wait! Were neighboors! I smiled at that conclusion.

"Tate, how'd you get in here?!"she repeated, louder this time. Oh shit, should I tell her. No, I might scare her away. Fuck, what should I do?

"Uhm...I came to see y..your dad" I said. Damn it why say that? She now probably thinks I'm messed up or something. Well, I just couldn't lie to her when those beautiful eyes were staring straight at me.

"Why?" She asked while going and sitting down on her bed.

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to, your smarter than that" I said, awkwardly standing there by the door.

"Fine, whatever" she said and got back up. She made her way closer to me. "Now you can leave" I stood there like an idiot. "Hello, leave" she waved a hand in front of my face and when she got my attention, she pointed at the door.

"No! wait please!" I said. She was already pushing me out the door. She stopped and looked at me.

"What?" she asked.

"Please, just give me a chance to get to know you better" I said staring straight into her eyes. This is the first time I stare at her in the eyes with her staring right back. I have a feeling in my stomach that I can't even commence to explain. All I knew was that I never want to look away.

Violet POV

I stared into his eyes, for the first time, and I just couldn't help but get lost in them. It made my stomach fill with a weird emotion, that I couldn't even describe. His eyes were begging I don't think so. Why would anyone want me?

"Why? you don't even know me" I said. Stupid, why would you ask that, that just gives him a reason.

"Well, I want get to know you, just please give me a chance" He bent down to the floor on his knees. "Please, please,please" He begged.

"What are you doing?" I asked and chuckled a bit at his sudden action. He smiled and I couldn't help, but smile back.

"What do you think I'm doing?...I'm begging you" He said.

"Fine" I said simply. I don't know why I just did that I barley met him today and I'm already letting him in my room. He got up from the floor and looked at me.

"Really?" He asked excitedly, which caused me to chuckle some more.

"Really" I assured him. I walked over to my rug and sat down. He followed and sat down right in front of me. "Okay, first thing first, name?" He said smile never leaving his face.

"Violet" I said.

"Violet" he repeated "I love it" he said and grinned from ear to ear.

I laughed at how he seemed way to excited to be learning someone's name.

We talked for what seemed like hours about our favorite movies, food, and bands or basically anything that came to mind. Turns out he also likes some of the bands I like, like Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, and Hole. Somewhere in our conversation we started talking about our family.

"I had a sister, her name was grace...she overdose on some pills" he said and I could see the tears starting to form in his eyes. "she was amazing, but she was disabled. She used crotches to go every where...she was bullied at school. We were very vlose,but she never told me anything" there was tears running down his cheeks by now."and at home Constance would get drunk and always abuse of her disability and beat her...I would protect her, but Constance never stopped her abuse." He wipped away some tears with his sleeves. "One day I wasn't home and she came home from school all beaten up...Constance was passed out drunk in the living room...and I guess, she couldn't take it anymore...she overdosed" I stared at him not knowing what to say, but then his expression changed to anger. "Constance,that bitch, I hate her so fucking much, having caused her fucking daughters suicide, she didn't even care!"

"I'm sorry" was the only thing that could come out of my mouth, but It was sincere.

"don't be, it wasn't your fault" he said."Then my dad left because she found her blowing our neighbor back in boston. Then she started dating some fucker and we moved here." He said while gesturing around. I suddenly felt the need to tell him about my family.

"My dad cheated on my mom with a student of his and she was only a few years older than me" I said not showing any emotion on my face.

"That's horrible, If you love someone you should never hurt them" he said.

"Right?, and the worst part is seven months earlier my mom had this brutal miscarriage. We had to have this macabre funeral and all" I said.

"I'm sorry" he placed his hands on mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach at the sudden contact which caused me to quickly move away. I got up and glanced at my clock. 10:30.

"Shit, it's late and if my dad finds out you're here, we're dead" I said. My dad was very strict. Can you believe he doesn't let me have a boyfriend till I finish high school? He's even told me if he finds out that I'm dating someone he'll ship me away to some boarding school. I'm not going to any boarding school.

"Yeah, I should probably get going" He got up and made his way towards the window.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Well, I can't go out the door" I just nodded. "see you tomorrow?"he aksed and I nodded in agreement once again. Then he opened the window and jumped out onto a tree. I walked over to the window to make sure he didn't fall. He slowly climbed down the tree and ran down the lawn and across the street, waving at me. I waved back.

I went to my dresser and pulled out some shorts and a oversized t-shirt. I like to be comfortable when I sleep, yet again, who doesn't? I change into them and go to bed. I find myself smiling at the thought of him.

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