Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Once she got home, she took a shower and dressed in her favorite clothes. *clothes Violet wears in the bathtub scene* She went over to her vanity and brushed through her knotted hair. She then walked down stairs and looked at the big round clock that adorned the living room wall. 7:35.

Walking towards the door she heard Ben calling out for her. "and where do you think you're going, young lady?" he asked, crossing his arms on his chest.

"out" she stated simply, walking out the door and slaming it closed. She could hear Ben yelling for her to get back inside, but she ignored him and walked down the sidewalk, until she was out of Ben's view. A few houses down the street was Tate, waiting for her. She walked over to him and he smiled at her, waving a hand and saying "hey".

"hey" she replied, wiping away a few strands of hair off her face.

"I still don't get why you didn't want me to pick you up at your house, I mean, come on, it really wasn't a problem driving across the street" he chuckled.

"I know, but my dad would flip his shit if he saw me with you, or any other guy in particular" she said. He opened the car door for her and she rolled her eyes. She got in and so did he. "plus, you've gone to see him, that just makes things worse, I mean think about it I'm going o-" it suddenly hit her. Was she going out with Tate? Or just hanging out? He hasn't asked her to be his girlfriend yet so what where they?

Tate knew why she didn't finished saying what she was going to say. He knew they were going out, but he hadn't really asked her yet. "Don't worry, Vi" he placed a hand on her knee. "I know I haven't asked you to be my official girlfriend, but I was planning on asking you tonight" he smiled at her, she smiled back. He started the car a drove off. "Anyways, why do you care what your dad does?" he asked, looking at the road.

"I don't, but he has thretened me before about shipping me off to some boarding school if he finds out that I have any little romance with some guy" she said, looking at him.

"oh" he said, he couldn't help feeling sad at the thought of never seeing Violet again.

"So, where are you taking me?" she asked.

"Where do you wanna go" he smiled.

"1985" She replied excitedly.

"Oh my god, really you like that place? isn't it kinda old?" Tate said while chuckling.

"No. That's my favorite place!" she exclaimed, jumping in her seat a little. Tate chuckled some more and drove off to the small restruant.

Violet loved going there, besides being the only place with fat burgees and shakes, there was usually bands playing from time to time. She would go any chance she got.

They arrived and Tate quickly got off and rushed over to her side of the doo r and tried to open, but she beat him to it. "Jesus man, stop being so gentelmanly, it's weird" she laughed, so did he.

"Sorry, can't help it"

They walked inside, and saw quite a few people sitting in the booths. The restruant had dark wooden walls and hanging on them were band posters. Nirvana was centered in the middle of them all. Tiny white lights hung above the ceiling giving the place a dim look. There was no band on stage today, but there was still music playing in the background, coming from the jukebox that was placed in a corner of the room.

They sat down on one of the red leather booths at the far end of the room, away from anyone. A waiter dressed in torn faded blue jeans and white tee walked over to them. They ordered some food, and the waiter left back into the kitchen to take their order. The wooden table they got had names carved in all over it. There was a few uncarved spaces in the table. "quick give me something sharp" Tate said.

"W-what? why?"

"just give me something" he said looking around for something he could use.

"here" she handed him a paperclip she found in the pocket of her cardigan. He found a spot where he could carve in both their names. Tate+Violet. He carved inside a heart.

"There. now we'll be together forever. Nothing will ever come between us" he smiled. She felt tears forming in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away when she saw the waiter coming back with their food. They ate and spend some time talking about music, both their music taste were very diffrent. They themselves were very different. Complete opposites, but as the opposites they were they were attracted to each other like magnets.

After they left the restaurant, Tate drove her to the beach. They both sat in the sand, neither of them caring if their clothes got covered in sand. Tate stared deep into the ocean, thinking of how he wanted things to. He wants to ask now. "Vi..." he said getting up.

"yeah, Tate?" she said, getting up too.She was a few feet smaller than him, so he had to look down at her. An unstoppable smile spread out throughout his face.

"Violet Harmon, will you be my official girlfriend?" he said, while pulling out a black rose from behind his back. Violet, smiled and looked up at him.

"Of course I will, you goof" she said taking the rose from his hands. He chuckled and kissed her lips. They layed their on the sand for a while.

"So, babe what do you wanna do next?" Tate said in a sexy voice, but she was too tired at this point to notice his attempt.

"I'm kinda tired, can we go home?" she asked.

"Uhm, yeah, okay" he said kind of dissapointed. They drove back to the neighborhood and stopped a few houses away from hers. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" she said pecking him on the lips.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled. He drove away and got off at his house. She waited a few minutes before walking home. She opened the door and saw her dad sitting in the living room watching TV. "Hey, honey, did you have fun?"

"Yeah, if you consider walking around the neighborhood alone fun, then yeah I did" she faked a smiled and went upstairs.

Ben stayed in the living room, thinking what he should do. He had been following Violet around since she left. He saw them at the restaurant and then followed them to the beach, where he saw them kiss. He was already thinking about sending her to boarder school, but he just would have to wait for the right time to send her. Just wait a few more days.


She walked out of the house and waited for Tate at the same corner from yesterday. "Hey, ready" he asked, and she nodded her head. Tate drove her to school where there was a cop parked right outside the school. The cop opened the back door of his car and out stepped Leah.

She looked thiner than before and had huge black circles under her eyes. She wore  a  purple sun hat and she wore long slevleves and jeans.  Violet was shocked to see her, she thought Tate did something to her, but apparently he hadn't. "I thought yo-" she looked at him.

"Violet I didn't do anything!" he said, defending himself. They walked by and crossed looks with Leah. She looked kinda frightened. Tate had a smile plastered across his face the whole time, his plan actually worked.


A/N So, I haven't been updating in a while because school . yeah, I start school on August 25 so that means less updates, sorry, but I'll try to update every week. :)♥

didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes.

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