Chapter 7

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Tate POV

I woke up today feeling really excited. I was going to see her again today. I dreamt of Violet last night. Violet, I love the that name, its perfect, she's perfect. I dressed up extra nice for her today. I never felt this way about anyone before. She makes me feel things I never imagined a person could feel. I love being around her and I'm so glad she gave me a chance to get to know her better.

I walked out the door without Constance seeing me, or she'll start talking about how handsome I look and coming from her it's pretty anoying. As I walked out I saw Violet walking a few houses down the street. I called her and she immediately turned around and waited for me. I sprinted towards her and greeted her with a 'hey'.

"hey" she greeted back. We continued to walk, side by side. I took a quick glance at her, without her noticing. She looked amazingly beautiful, she always looks beautiful and I'll never get tired of saying that.

"You look beautiful" I said and gave her a smile.

"Sure I do" she said jokingly. I frowned, does she not think she's beautiful?

"You do" I assured her.She smiled up at me and couldn't help but smile back. We walked in silence for some time, until I spoke up again.

"Hey, you want to go somewhere with me?" I asked nervously. I have a fear of rejection, and it's the worst thing to live with. I may have good looks and everything,  but I'm still afraid of people rejecting me and especially of her rejecting me.


"No, later...during lunch" I said and trying my hardest not to seem nervous.

"Yeah, sure I'd love to" She said while smiling.  

"Cool, I'll meet you by your locker" I said and she nodded in agreement.  We walked in the building, smiles plastered across both of our faces.

Lunch time...

I was walking around the hallways looking for Violet's locker. Once I found it, I leaned against it a bit and waited for her to show up.

I waited for some minutes, but she didn't show up. I stood up straight. Did she change her mind?Was she not going to show up? No, stop, she is going to show up, she has to.

A few minutes later and still no Violet. That's it, I'm going to go look for her. I started to walk along the hallway when I heard a door open. I turned around and saw Violet coming out of the girls restroom.

I quickly ran to her.

"Hey, for a minute I thought you weren't going to sho-" As I got closer to her I saw that there was a bruise on her right cheek. She was trying to cover it with a curtain of her hair, but I could see it.  I moved my hand to cup her bruised cheek and when I did she quickly flinched away from the pain and now I could see that the bruise on her cheek wasn't the only thing that covered her face. She had a spilt lip covered in dry blood. I felt a sudden anger fill up my body, I was scared that I might not be able to control it.

"Who did this to you, Violet?!" I asked grabbing her arms.

no response.

"Violet! who did this to you?!" I repeated, tightening my grip.

no response once again.

"Violet, answer me, for gods sake!!"

"Tate, your hurting me!" She finally said. I looked down to were my hands were and loosened my grip.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hurt you" I said calming down a little. "please, Violet, tell me who did this to you?!"

"Tate, no one did anything to me! I w..was walking down the hall and I hit myself with a door by accident" she said.

"Your lying!"

"What?! No I'm not!"

"Yes you are, I could tell"

"Fine! you want to know the truth Tate?! Leah did it,okay! are you happy now!? she said and started to walk away.

"No, Violet, wait...I'm sorry" I grabbed her arm and stopped her from walking any further." I'm sorry, it's just that the thought of someone hurting you makes me so angry...I'm sorry, please forgive me?" I said afraid that I screwed up any chance of being close to her.

"Tate, stop apologizing,  I hate when people apologise" She said.

"Does that mean you forgive me?" I ask. She nodded, and I wanted to hug her badly, but I resisted my desire."I'll make her pay for this,you know?" I said.

"No, Tate don't" she looked up at me. I stared right back into her eyes. "promise me you won't do anything"she said, and I was so lost in her eyes I couldn't make any words come out of my mouth, so I nodded. I know I probably shouldn't make promises I can't keep, but if it makes her feel relaxed knowing I won't do anything, then I'll do it. But I won't let anything get in the way of making Leah pay for what she did to her, nothing could make me stop now.She hurt Violet and no one gets away with hurting Violet.

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