Fourteenth Search of the Truth (Corsets)

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"...R-Ray, Raaaaaaayyyyy (TxT)"

"Sleipnir. Whatever you do. Don't – ever – move. Please"

It wasn't a battle in the sky where a certain Canadian Witch and a Canadian Pilot were taking part right now. Instead, they were given a high priority reconnaissance mission to locate a hidden German Airbase in the mountain ranges of Belgium. They were able to track the footprints to a Castle in Belgium, and were able to infiltrate the hidden base stored under the grounds of the castle

But they stumbled onto a proplem. It was a trap mine in the shape of a china plate that was particularly left sitting on the floor, in an open hallway. No, as much as it was Greek Custom to smash plates in celebration of an important event or wedding – this was no Greek Wedding. And neither was it something involving the Jewish culture crushing a glass cup.

It was really a regular looking china plate left on the rich velvet rug inside of the Belgium Castle. But its function wasn't to hold a cup for a tea party. Not when magic exists in this global warfare.

"R-Ray-Ray. Wh-what do I do? You need to dismantle the bomb, but only I can do it with my Anti-magic spell! I-I can't move to even look!"

"I'm completely aware of the situation but it can't be helped. It's only just us and I'm no Magician. And no matter how much I look at this so called magic mine, it's still a plate. There's no way I could disconnect non-existent blue or red wires with a wirecutter!"

"S-still, you have to figure out a way to rescue meeeeee! M-my legs are too precious! I don't want to spend the rest of my life being called the Hobbler!"

"...I-if worse comes to worse, I know an Italian Prosthetic maker who owes me some favours.."


"...Sorry. It was a bad joke. Please don't cry."

The Canadian Pilot and Canadian Witch were trying to sneak into the castle's security system, to confirm the existence of German and Austrian-Hungarian activity. Since there were reports of the enemy holding allied magicians and soldiers as prisoners, they were specifically dispatched to confirm the information.

Once they realize the intel was true, that allied magicians and soldiers were being used as tokens in a potential ransom exchange, they were planning of escaping with the pictures and send them to the nearest headquarters to notify Allied Command. That way, they would begin rescue operations with a proper special force post-haste.

However, upon walking out of the hallways, that same Canadian Witch stepped onto the top of a tea saucer that she didn't notice lying on the ground. When she realized it was laced with magic, she did not dare move as if her life depended on it.

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