Eighth Forge of Metal (Crying)

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"...Ray-Ray...M...my virginity is broken."

"It's just a cut from a stray bullet. And it's only a nick to your side, not your....... Just hold still while I bandage you."

"It will still be a scar on my body forever! This is no laughing matter for a girl!!"

"Ssssh. The enemy is still close by. If you want, you can bite this tree twig."


Belgium had been invaded. The German Opposition had pushed their way up through the border and were now delivering a flow of German Panzer Tanks to subjugate the Allied Defensive of British and Australian Forces in the sector. Everything was taking a toll in the trenches dug out near the Belgium-France border, and things didn't look so good on both sides.

For example, a certain Canadian Pilot had been shot down in the aerial fight over that border. His beloved all black Triplane Sopwith took a beating and had crash landed right in the middle of No Man's Land. It was a suicide zone, the mud was already saturated with rain water and debris from the endless artillery shells that kept hammering the fields that were once a blazing emerald land. Here came another volley of mortars gouging out the Earth's bloodied body.

"I-it's going dark. I-I'm starting to see my vision fading. R-Ray-Ray! I-I'm scared. Please hold me tight!"

"...It's just the shadow of German Gotha Bombers flying over our heads. Keep quiet or else the tail gunner will notice us."


"That's the sun after the German bomber flew over our heads! Get down, I think the tail gunner noticed us!"

"Uuuh! Wh-what do we do, Ray-Ray! We-we've crash landed behind enemy lines! So-so the Krauts will overrun the front trenches and find us! Ugh! I-I can't imagine all the nasty punishment they have for a Prisoner of War, especially when it's delicate maiden like me! Magician or not, they'll find all sorts of terrible methods to apply to my soft body! Nyaaah! My chastity is doomed."


"Y-yes, Ray-Ray? D-don't tell me, you're going to take my fir--""

"Head down - now."

"H-heh? Now? I-in your lap!? (O///O)...S-so daring--GYAAAAH!"

Raymond Collishaw was a gentlemen. He would never take advantage of a woman no matter how desperate the situation was. But, sometimes, he had to be rough – especially when he had to shove the Canadian Witch down into the runny mud and shoot at two enemy soldiers climbing into the fox hole they were in.

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