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Jahseh POV

Jahseh: Stoke please!!

Stokeley: What?!

Jahseh: Please let me get your jacket it's cold outside mostly on a snow day.

Stokeley: I told you to bring one.

I then started hugging Stokeley really close...I get too attached to Stokeley.

Stokeley: Jahseh stop it!!

Jahseh: Please Stokeley you're so warm.. Carry me!! Hug me back!! It's all I'm asking!!

Stokeley: So aggravating!

Stokeley then carries me and puts his jacket over my body.

Jahseh : No Stokeley you're gonna freeze!! Your hug brings me warmth.

Stokeley: Well I mean we are going back home. Just use it.. Damn next time bring a warm jacket.

Jahseh: I will but why would I need one, when I got you to hug.

Stokeley: So I don't freeze?

I then lay my head on his shoulder and take a nap until we get home and he wakes me up.

Jahseh: Carry me inside the damn house before I beat the shit out of you!!

Stokeley: Jesus when can I get a break from you?

Jahseh : Bitch if you don't!!

Stokeley: Okay!!

Stokeley carries me in the house, and lays me in the couch he then walks off and hands me a blanket, but I don't want the blanket I want him.

Jahseh: Stokeley... Where are you going?

Stokeley: Well I'm hungry so like I'm going to McDonald's want anything?

Jahseh: I want yo-... I want nothing....

Stokeley: Okay fine. I'll get you some fries anyway.

He then comes back 10mins later with my fries and he sits next to me.

Stokeley: Here are your fries.

Jahseh: Thank you.

I eat my fries and hug Stokeley,

Stokeley: Jahseh... you're too damn close.

Jahseh: I'm not close enough is the problem stoke.. Now let me sleep and wrap your arm around me... Please... Stokey!!!

Stokeley: You're aggravating as hell!!

Jahseh: I feel so unwanted. It hurts my heart so much, I can't deal with this pain Stoke.. You are all I have... Please....

Stokeley: Fine...

Stoke then wraps his arms around me but he carries me and puts me on top of his lap.. We are facing each other.

Stokeley: You can sleep on me if you want? Do you feel comfortable?

My cheeks start turning red.. I look away but Stoke lifts my head and looks at me in the eyes I look down, Stoke is just so beautiful, and caring sometimes.

Stokeley: Guess so just lay on me.

I put my head on his shoulder and hug him, my arms around his neck and he hugs me back and starts rubbing my back gently to make me sleep.

Stoke POV

I've been Jahseh friend since we were on the street and shit, so he means a lot to me.. I feel his breath on my neck, he is asleep, he can get too attached but ever since his last relationship that didn't go well he started being too attached to me... I don't mind it but it can get annoying sometimes. I then fall asleep.

Jahseh POV

I wake up to see Stokeley asleep... I get off softly so he doesn't wake up I start making us food so he can wake tf up... but he doesn't when I'm done with the food I then start waking him up.

Jahseh: Stokeley wake up...

I said in a low soft tone.. He wakes up

Jahseh : I made food for us. Wake up..
*in a low voice*

Stokeley: O-okay

We ate together.

Stokeley: Your food is good.

Jahseh: Aww thanks so much!

Stokeley: No problem.

Jahseh; Anyways are you going anywhere today?

Stokeley: Yeah I am.

Jahseh: Can I come?!

Stokeley: No.

Jahseh: Awww... Why?!?

Stokeley: Because whenever I go somewhere you always come with me.. It gets annoying.

Jahseh: I.... I... See.... Well I guess I'll go to my room then I'll clean up later..

Stokeley: Don't take it seriously Jah...

Jahseh:... After how long I've put up with you this is what you say to me... Are you embarrassed of me or something?!!!!

Stokeley: No Jahseh!!! For the last time you just come with me everywhere!! Like the walk this morning!! 

Jahseh: ....Stokeley!!!

Stokeley: Whatever I'm going!!! Bye!!! I'll come back later!!!

Jahseh: I'm coming with you!!!!

Stokeley: No you're not.. Fuck off!!!

Jahseh: P-please...

Stokeley POV

I then hear Jahseh crying I hate when he cries but its just... He can't come with me everywhere.. I look behind me and I see him on the ground looking down and tears falling on the floor... Craig comes out his room door.

Craig : You made him cry again.. Didn't you?

Stokeley: It's cause he always wants to come with me everywhere... I'm trying to get some privacy... but I can't... he is always by my side..

Craig: He looks miserable without you. Take him with you?

Stokeley: No I need some privacy without him.

Jahseh: I-it's alright, I'll just g-go to my r-room

Jahseh then walks to his room with his head down...

Craig: You're such a b*stard...

Stokeley: Fine I'll make up with him rn... but I'll tell you I'm not taking him with me...

I walk up to Jahseh room and open the door knob silently...

To be continued

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