Twenty one

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Jahseh POV

Stokeley: Jahseh I thought you were still mad cause I didn't get you your food and stuff you wanted, I won't apologize for the shit I put you through Jahs-

Jahseh: W-WHY?!

Stokeley: It's stupid to apologize if you're not gonna change, I'm just going to tell you that I will change for you Jahseh... and you're not alone I'm here, we could tell the others together.

Jahseh: Stokeley I love you.

I said as I wrapped my arms around him, and wrap my legs around his waist as he gets up.

Stokeley: I love you more Jah.

Stokeley pecks my lips as I blush and lay my head on his shoulder pecking his neck.

Jahseh: Stokeley we gotta tell Craig and the others about me being pregnant.

He puts me down, making me pout.

Jahseh: Carry me again Stokey!

I make grabby hands to him. He groans and picks me up again. I stick my tongue out playfully.

Jahseh: Stokeleyyyyy!

I poke his cheek.

Stokeley: I'm tired I'm going back to bed.

Jahseh: No! You fat ass! I'm not tired!

Stokeley: I am Jahseh..what do you want to do?

He lets out another groan, I smile.

Jahseh: I want to get a dog!!

Stokeley: A fucking dog? That's even more let you know we are going to have a child!!

Jahseh: But Stokeyy we don't do shit!

Stokeley: We are about too! There is a child that is coming up! And children cost money, attention!! A lot of work! We don't need a dog!

Jahseh: I WANT A DOG!!

Stokeley POV

I didn't know what made Jahseh Shut up after I told him we weren't getting a dog, but now he was stressing out and walking around in circles talking to himself he was nervous to tell the others of him being pregnant.

Jahseh: M-maybe they'll think I'm weird...they won't accept m-my relationship, Maybe-

Stokeley: Jahseh! Calm down it's alright!

I give him a hug, he hugs back tighter.

Jahseh: You're right I shouldn't be worried.

Im going to go make some more books.

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