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Stokeley was feeling hurtful and regretting stuff he did to Jahseh but he knows he can't heal all the scars he gave to Jahseh, he doesn't really know how he feels, he doesn't know if he loves Jahseh...he can't love Jahseh...he doesn't love Jahseh.

What Stokeley didn't know was that he is not allowing himself to fall in love with Jahseh.


Jahseh POV

Well I just ruined me and Stokeley's friendship, honestly I didn't even know what we had going on it was clear he didn't care about me and how he just keeps hurting me and doesn't want me and that's why I'm at a hotel cause Stokeley doesn't even want to see me witch brings me more sadness.


Craig: What do you mean Jahseh not with you?!

Stokeley: I said he left.

Craig: What did you do this time?

Stokeley: I just told him I don't wanna see him anymore-

Craig: let me guess you also told him you didn't love him, see Stokeley you need to go find him and apologize!

Stokeley: I don't want to-

Craig: I don't have time for your bullshit, he is your best friend he is closer to you than anyone, so you better get your fat ass up and go apologize!!

Then Craig hung up the phone.

Great now i have to find Jahseh.


Somehow I managed to find Jahseh, it's such a pain in the ass cause Jahseh didn't answer my calls or messages and Craig coming back home with the others, this is why you don't leave me and Jahseh alone. I made it to his hotel, and now I just had to find his room number. So I went up to the counter and asked the woman there.

Stokeley: have you seen a twink, like this short, he has blue dreads, a big forehead, a tattoo of a tree in the middle of his big ass forehead, his name is Jahseh.

The woman then asked me if he is related to me.

Stokeley: yea...he's a relative.

She gave me his room number, now I just have to find it.


I knocked on the door 3 times, waiting till Jahseh answers. He finally opened the door and saw me he looked down.

Jahseh: W-What brings you h-here Stokeley?

Stokeley: Jahseh you gotta come back home, Craig needs you there.

Jahseh: J-Just Craig?

Stokeley: and the others.

Jahseh: No S-Stokeley?

Stokeley: And me.

I say as I push his door open and enter his room, packing all his stuff for we can go. He tugs at my arm.

Jahseh: Stokeley, I-I just don't feel to good, my heart is h-

I bring Jahseh into a hug, he immediately hugs back.

Jahseh: C-Carry me Stokeley.

Stokeley: why do you want- Fine.

I pick up Jahseh, and Jahseh wraps his legs around my waist, he lays his head down, wraps his arms around my neck, and I'm guessing he fell asleep.


As I entered the house Craig was still not here and Jahseh was still asleep, as I set Jahseh stuff down he brung to the hotel, I start walking to my room, I lay Jahseh down on my bed and put the covers over him, I went to put something comfortable, and joined him, I was gonna put Jahseh on his bed, but Jahseh always ends up sleeping with me only when we're mad at each other he sleeps in his room, but I know he can't last sleeping all alone..mostly without me. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep, not until I felt Jahseh scotch closer to me and wraps his arms around me to cuddle, Jahseh lays his head on my chest. I hug him back and now I drifted off to sleep.

To be continued💙

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