Twenty three

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Craig: So What are you going to name your child??

Jahseh: I don't know yet.

I said as I started to rub my stomach softly. It's nice being pregnant but at the same time it's not, I never did want to get pregnant all I wanted was Stokeley but I guess the world didn't want me and Stokeley to separate so they made a baby. A joy to my life that'll soon come to this world. Where was Stokeley?

Jahseh: A-again thank you guys, I have to go with Stokeley.

I give them a warm smile and head over to Stokeley's room, well our room now since we always sleep together. The lump in my stomach is such a drag though I stretch I open Stokeley's door and saw him on his phone he was calling someone he looked at me and smiled he ended the call and came over to me giving me a hug I hug back much tighter and peck his cheek.

Jahseh: Who was you on the phone with?

Stokeley: Just my mother talking about when she gonna come see the baby and I said it wasn't born yet, but she don't pay attention to me.

I chuckle.

Jahseh: Well Im hungry!

Stokeley: Lets go eat somewhere.

Jahseh: No I wanna cook today.


Jahseh: Goodnight Stokeley.

Stokeley: Goodnight love.

Stokeley pecks my lips and I cuddle next to him and put my leg over him and fall asleep in his arms.


It was morning and I woke up from my sleep but this morning was different Stokeley wasn't there he was missing did he leave? He is probably somewhere around the house, I got up and put on a oversized shirt and some joggers cause my other clothes didn't quite fit, I went to the restroom and brushed my teeth when I was done with everything I went to go look for Stokeley I looked everywhere around the house all the rooms everywhere but he wasn't there, I began to grow nervous and grabbed my phone and called him I was hoping he would pick up but he didn't I called him like 20 times and no answer not even my messages I started to cry until I felt a pain in my stomach making me scream but I held it back I heard some steps running towards me.

Trunks: Jahseh! Your- Your water broke!

Jahseh: No! Not now! N-Not right now!!

Craig: We gotta get him to the hospital hurry up guys! Robb get the car started and Trunks bring Jahseh to the car, I'll get him his Jacket.

Jahseh: N-No!! Don't take me!! S-Stokeley is not-not here!!

Trunks: Sorry Jahseh but we have to go now!

Trunks grabs my arm put I won't move, he pushes me out the door to the car, and Craig helps me put on my jacket and we head to the hospital while I'm in pain.

Jahseh: P-please find Stokeley!


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