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Stoke POV

I pack my stuff and start heading out I go to Craig's car and get in while Jahseh is behind me I go in and Jahseh sits right next to me.. he already annoying.. I still got to deal with this.

Stokeley: go sit next to trunks..

Jahseh: I want to sit next to you tho stokey...

Stokeley: trunks... you better switch spots with him before we start fighting.

Jahseh: I won't let that happen.

Trunks : y'all good or?

Stokeley: n-

Jahseh: We are good!!

Jahseh POV

I cover me and stoke with the blanket and I snuggle on his shoulder I wrap my arms around his waist and come closer..

Stokeley: you got so much space over there..and you to close..

Jahseh: I'm trying to snuggle stoke.

Rob : damn Jahseh.. you all over Stokel-

Craig: shut the fuck up rob! you know how Jahseh is when it comes to Stokeley... don't get him mad...*whisper*

Rob: right..right sorry.

2 hours later we finally made it to the camp.

Trunks : we got to share a tent together.

Craig : I'll be by rob be with stoke-

Jahseh:I'll be with Stokeley!!!

Rob : I'll be with trunks then .

Stokeley: again are to damn atta-

Jahseh: I'll f*ck you up if you don't shut up right now.

Stokeley: lets make our tent.

Stokeley POV

Me and Jahseh make our tent... and we tired from the long ride so we fall asleep and wait till morning... Jahseh cuddles near me and but his legs over me. This why I ain't like him he always to damn attached to me.

Jahseh: goodnight stokey.

Stokeley: goodnight Jahseh.

We fall asleep in each others arms. Till morning we wake up all together.

Craig: lets go change clothes..

Stokeley: ain't no where to do that shit... let's change in the tents .

Jahseh: I'll change with Stokeley.

Stokeley: one by one.

Everyone looked at Jahseh after Stokeley said one by one.. they knew that glare of madness..

Stokeley: I'll change with Jahseh..

Jahseh: lets go Stokeley let's go!! Wear our swim wear!!

Everyone took a deep breath they were relief that Jahseh didn't start a fight they all changed and then headed to the lake it wasent a long walk of course Jahseh walks on the left side of Stokeley.. until they made it to the lake they put some sun screen.

Trunks : damn that girl got some ass..

Rob : she do..

Stokeley: I'll definitely eat th-

Jahseh: what are you talking about stokey?!

Craig : uh... Jahseh look at that seashell it looks cool!

Jahseh: where?

Craig : damn I lost it.

Jahseh : come to the lake with me stoke!

Stokeley: I don't feel like go-

Craig : lets all go!!

Jahseh : come on stoke..

Stokeley: fine.

They all had a fun time mostly Jahseh cause he always around Stokeley. They went to take a shower.

Stokeley: alright today was fun... but that girl with the fat ass was the best part .

Jahseh: what you say Stokeley?

Stokeley: the girl with the fat ass..

Jahseh : Stokeley I-

A tear fell off Jahseh eyes, and he cries even more he covers his face and runs to the tent.

Stokeley: Jahseh wait !!

Stokeley runs to Jahseh to calm him down.

Jahseh: why do you keep breaking my heart?!! What did I do to you?!

Stokeley: I'm sorry! you didn't do nothing to me its just me I'm sorry , but I don't get why your mad I don't even love you...wait I didnt mean to say that-

Jahseh : break me... that's all you do !!

Jahseh runs away to his group of friends and passes them he decided to go somewhere lonely but not to far..Stokeley shattered his heart in pieces Jahseh cries his eyes out.

Craig : what happened?

Stokeley: I told him I don't love him. He ran away.

Trunk : don't you know that he-

Rob : shut up trunks!!

Stokeley: what you say trunks?

Trunk : nothing.

Stokeley: tell me now!!

Craig: Jahseh, just sensitive is all trunks was gonna say, you should probably go apologize to Jahseh.

Stokeley then starts running to Jahseh .

Craig: fucking trunks, almost spilled a secret from Jahseh!!You got to be careful.

Trunks: not my fault that Jahseh loves Stokeley so much.

Meanwhile with Stokeley and Jahseh .

Stokeley: sorry Jahseh I didnt mean to make you cry.

Jahseh: that's what you always say to me... all you do is break me stoke.

Stoke POV

I don't know why Jahseh acting like this mostly that we just friends nothing serious but you know I can't control him so I just go along with it.

Stokeley: I know Jahseh... just that it just slipped out of my mouth. I didnt mean to say it.

Jahseh: lets just go to our friends .

Stokeley: do you forgive me?

Jahseh: I don't know Stokeley.

They start walking to there group of friends . Jahseh walks past them and heads straight to the car with no words at all.

Craig: did he accept your apology?

Stokeley: he said he don't know.

Trunks: I'll make your funeral tomorrow.

Rob: shut up trunks .

They all headed to the car, Stokeley didn't sit next to Jahseh cause he knew Jahseh was mad at him and he ain't wanna deal with it but Jahseh came close to him and lays his head on Stokeleys shoulder. Stokeley rolls his eyes and drifted to sleep .

To be continued

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