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Jahseh: Jahseh: You'll see
It will all be over soon
I see black skies, and white lies, I'd rather be
Dead, filling my head with different enemies
Thoughts consuming me, fueling my insecurities
As the ground right under me crumbles as if it wasn't there
It's too much, my heart's crushed, I'm not alive
I won't allow myself happiness 'cause it's all lies
I've seen the pain, I've run away so many times
Death and I are companions, it's here at all times
I won't love, won't trust, I won't die
I can't feel, but managed to steal your heart, love
Was dirt poor, now fuck whores and want love
It seems that anything offered could be enough but
It's time
Body falls so I don't know, who to call at all
Alone, and my heart, got tat
Of it broke
I'm so fucking numb, my life has succumb
To hatred and death, alone
In the snow

Jahseh then opens his door knob and heads to the kitchen to make him breakfast. Jahseh glances at Stokeley, 

Jahseh POV

He was the one to break me why do I still love him? Heartbroken, misspoken, breaking anything I touch, I place my hand where my heart is at, I really miss Stokeley but I know he hates me, so I'll keep my distance to make him happy, I go eat with the others, I grab my plate cause Craig made breakfast today,I see the free spot next to Stokeley but I sit next to trunks. I start eating my food without talking to any of them.

Craig: you good Jahseh?

I shrug my shoulders not looking at anyone as I just stare down at my food, to hurt to look at Stokeley, I finish my food and put it in the sink and start leaving I didn't tell anyone where I was going I just can't bare looking at him knowing that he doesn't love me, I leave and start walking I don't know where I was heading but I knew I didn't wanna feel heartbroken. I came back to the house an hour later.

Craig: are you sure your okay jah?

I look at Craig right in the eyes, I didn't say anything I walked straight to my room, I'm honestly feeling to tired to do shit, as I stay in my room for several hours, Craig finally makes food, I make me a plate and sit down next to rob. I didnt feel like talking or staring just sat down and ate.

Jahseh: thanks for the food Craig. *in a low voice*

Craig: wait if you want you can come with us we going to the mall.

Jahseh: um..I don't really feel like it. Go on without me.

Craig: come on Jahseh.

Jahseh: *sigh* okay fine... let me just get ready.

I put on my adidas joggers and a black t-shirt, and a white hoodie. I put dreads into pig tails and I'm done for today.

Jahseh: okay we can go now.

Trunks: two pony tails huh?

Jahseh: yep!

Craig drives us to the mall I sit up front with Craig , while Stokeley sits in the back and rob and trunks do to. I really didn't feel like going to the mall but maybe it would get my mind off of things, I went to hot topic to see Stokeley getting this anime shirt. He didn't notice I just came to get a choker. I grabbed a choker and paid and left, swear I was about to cry but I knew Stokeley did not care about me, I then decided to go to a different store decided to get some shoes. I soon brought my shoes and headed out, as I was satisfied of what I brought I decided to go to the food court to see Stokeleys cute ass there I mean fat ass just kidding myself I can never call Stokeley a fat ass cause he my love, I realized I was looking at Stokeley for to long cause I saw him glance at me, i jump a little cause he noticed me staring as a little blush appears on my cheeks I step back and go get some cinnamon rolls but really all I wanted to eat was Stokeley.

Cashier: What would you like to eat?

Jahseh:Stokeley..I mean can I get one cinnamon roll!!


The cashier gave me my cinnamon roll and I left I was so embarrassed of saying Stokeley he was just on my mind, I sat near a table not to far from Stokeley but not near Stokeley,I would give Stokeley some glances, I just wished he would come up to me and talk to me but no cause he ain't love me like I love him so I decided to walk up to him. Honestly while I was walking up to him I was trying to think off the conversation. I hoped that I wouldn't make it awkward or it wouldn't be awkward. I got to his table and sat beside him, Stokeley looks at me and grabs my pigtails.

Stokeley: cute.

He lets go of my pigtails and goes back on his phone,I scoot more close to him where our thighs are touching,

Jahseh:what you watching?

Stokeley: nothing really just scrolling threw Instagram.

Jahseh: oh. What did you buy?

I take a bite of my cinnamon roll and Stokeley smiles at me, Stokeley cuffs my face with his hand and squeezes my cheeks,I note in the back of my head that I'll start making my hair more into pigtails cause Stokeley likes it. He then puts his hand down from my face,I don't want him to stop showing me affection.

Stokeley: you wanna see what I brought?

Jahseh: yep!

Stokeley then grabs his bags, but I ain't gon lie I did want more attention from him so I grab his hand and wrap it around my waist and lay it lightly on my ass, Stokeley leaves it there and uses one hand to show me his stuff.

Stokeley: I got me this anime shirt. And I also got a new game for our play station. What did you get Jahseh?

Jahseh: well I got some shoes and a choker.

Stokeley: cool.

I then feel Stokeley squeeze my ass a little hard, how I really wanted to sit on his lap and grind on him for he can get hard and smash then shit out of me. I kept my cool cause ion trynna get hard in the mall. I then grabbed Stokeleys hand he a bipolar ass bitch but I love him with all my heart.


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